Every summer, Wisconsin is full of campers. (I’m one of them! My favorite places to camp are Copper Falls State Park, Devil’s Lake State Park, and Hartman Creek State Park.) In August, there’s even a summer camp for geeks – That Conference!
What conference? That Conference! This year, come camping with us August 8-10. You’ll stay at the Kalahari Resort & Waterpark. Bring the family – between waterslides, petting zoos, and pig roasts, everyone will have fun.
Seriously, everyone will have fun. The adult geeks get to choose from a huge slate of sessions – topics include programming, the cloud, and professional development. The kid geeks can choose from the family schedule. I’ve never seen another conference where kids get to present! There will also be Open Spaces, one of my favorite features of That Conference. Monday night is game night. Tuesday night we have a pig roast and get the waterpark to ourselves for a few hours. There is a 5K every morning!
I’ll be presenting one of those sessions, too! Join me for “Tell SQL Server Profiler to Take a Hike”, where I’ll show you the replacement for Profiler within SQL Server – Extended Events. I even have a GitHub repo of scripts to share with you for a kick-start!
I hope to see you around the campfire in August!

I hosted a "SQL Server AMA" Open Space last year – so fun!