Let’s say we want to test to see if our object really throws that event when we need it to.

Public Class EventThrower
  Public Event throwme(byval somestring as String)

  Public Sub SomeSub()
    RaiseEvent throwme("Yeepie!")
  End Sub
End Class

So when calling a method SomeSub an event throwme will be raised.

Now we make a little unittest class that looks like this.

Imports NUnit.Framework
Imports Rhino.Mocks

<TestFixture()> _
Public Class TestEvent

#Region " Private members "
        Private _Mocker As MockRepository
#End Region

#Region " Setup and TearDown "
        <Setup()> _
        Public Sub Setup()
            _Mocker = New MockRepository
        End Sub

        <TearDown()> _
        Public Sub TearDown()
        End Sub
#End Region

#Region " Tests "
        <Test()> _
        Public Sub Test_NewFile_If_RaisesEvent_NewFileMade()
            Dim subscriber As ISubscriber = _Mocker.DynamicMock(Of ISubscriber)()
            Dim _EventThrower As New EventThrower
            AddHandler _EventThrower.throwme, AddressOf subscriber.throwmesub
        End Sub
#End Region

        Public Interface ISubscriber
            Sub throwmesub(ByVal somestring As String)
        End Interface

    End Class

End Namespace

Just a few notes. I created an interface just for this test. And interface with a method with the same signature as the event. Then in the Test, I subscribe the event to that method. I didn’t forget to set IgnoreArguments and I called the Method on our object.

If the test goes green, we know that the event is raised when we call the sub. Now it’s just a matter of subscribing to that event.