

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


This is going to be another lengthy post. But you can skip all the code bits and go to the end. Or wait a bit and read the conclusion in the last post.

First, nHibernate needs some sort of configuration

```vbnet Imports NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes Imports NHibernate Imports NHibernate.Cfg Imports StructureMap

Namespace DAL.CRUD.Hibernate “’ <summary> “’ “’ </summary> “’ <remarks></remarks> <CLSCompliant(True)> _ <Pluggable(“Live”)> _ Public Class NHibernateConfiguration

#Region “ Private members “

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' Holds the Configuration so that the subclasses can use it.
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;Of type Nhibernate.Cfg.Configuration.&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Private _Configuration As Configuration

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' Holds the sessionfactory so that the sub classes can use it.
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;is an interface of type Nhibernate.ISessionFactory&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Private _SessionFactory As ISessionFactory

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' Holds the Databaseserver so we can easily switch between Test and productionservers.
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;is of type string and will be used in the connectionstring
    ''' &lt;/remarks&gt;
    Private _ServerName As String

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' Holds the Database so we can easily switch between Test and productiondatabases.
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Private _Database As String

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Private _SessionFactoryString As String

#End Region

#Region “ Constructors “

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region “ Public properties “

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;
    ''' &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Public ReadOnly Property Configuration() As Configuration
            If _Configuration Is Nothing Then
            End If
            Return _Configuration
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;
    ''' &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Public ReadOnly Property SessionFactory() As ISessionFactory
            If _Configuration Is Nothing Then
            End If
            If _SessionFactory Is Nothing Then
            End If
            Return _SessionFactory
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;
    ''' &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Public ReadOnly Property SessionFactoryString() As String
            Return _SessionFactoryString
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;
    ''' &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Public ReadOnly Property Database() As String
            Return _Database
        End Get
    End Property

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;value&gt;&lt;/value&gt;
    ''' &lt;returns&gt;&lt;/returns&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Public ReadOnly Property ServerName() As String
            Return _ServerName
        End Get
    End Property

#End Region

#Region “ Private methods “

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' Makes the configuration and sets the property
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Private Sub MakeConfiguration()
        Dim _DBObjectSettings As New DBObjectSettings()
        _ServerName = "Server"
        _Database = "Database"
        _Configuration = New Configuration()
        _Configuration.SetProperty(Environment.ConnectionProvider, _DBObjectSettings.ConnectionProvider)
        _Configuration.SetProperty(Environment.Dialect, _DBObjectSettings.Dialect)
        _Configuration.SetProperty(Environment.ConnectionDriver, _DBObjectSettings.ConnectionDriver)
        _Configuration.SetProperty(Environment.ConnectionString, String.Format(_DBObjectSettings.ConnectionString, _ServerName, _Database))
    End Sub

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' Makes the sessionfactory
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Private Sub MakeSessionFactory()
            Dim _DBObjectSettings As New DBObjectSettings()
            HbmSerializer.Default.HbmDefaultAccess = _DBObjectSettings.HbmDefaultAccess
            HbmSerializer.Default.Validate = True
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
            _SessionFactory = _Configuration.BuildSessionFactory()
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

#End Region

End Class

End Namespace``` Then it needs some additional tests.

```vbnet <Test()> _ Public Sub Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernate_1000000() Dim _crud As DAL.Interfaces.IMSPCoordinate = StructureMap.ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance(Of DAL.Interfaces.IMSPCoordinate)(“nhibernate”) Assert.IsNotNull(_crud.Selectall) Assert.Greater(_crud.Selectall.Count, 0) Assert.AreEqual(1000000, _crud.Selectall.Count) End Sub

    &lt;Test()&gt; _
    Public Sub Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernate_1000()
        Dim _crud As DAL.Interfaces.IMSPCoordinate = StructureMap.ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance(Of DAL.Interfaces.IMSPCoordinate)("nhibernate")
        Assert.Greater(_crud.Selectall(1000).Count, 0)
        Assert.AreEqual(1000, _crud.Selectall(1000).Count)
    End Sub

    &lt;Test()&gt; _
    Public Sub Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernate_1000_1000()
        Dim _crud As DAL.Interfaces.IMSPCoordinate = StructureMap.ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance(Of DAL.Interfaces.IMSPCoordinate)("nhibernate")
        For i As Integer = 0 To 999
            Assert.Greater(_crud.Selectall(1000).Count, 0)
            Assert.AreEqual(1000, _crud.Selectall(1000).Count)
    End Sub```

Then it needs some implementation.

```vbnet Imports NHibernate Imports StructureMap

Namespace DAL.CRUD.Hibernate <Pluggable(“nhibernate”)> _ Public Class MSPCoordinate Implements Interfaces.IMSPCoordinate

    ''' &lt;summary&gt;
    ''' Holds the sessionfactory so that the sub classes can use it.
    ''' &lt;/summary&gt;
    ''' &lt;remarks&gt;is an interface of type Nhibernate.ISessionFactory&lt;/remarks&gt;
    Protected SessionFactory As ISessionFactory

    Public Sub New()
        SessionFactory = New NHibernateConfiguration().SessionFactory
    End Sub

    Public Function Selectall() As System.Collections.Generic.IList(Of Model.MspCoordinate) Implements Interfaces.IMSPCoordinate.Selectall
        Dim _Session As ISession = Nothing
        Dim _ReturnList As IList(Of Model.MspCoordinate) = Nothing
        _Session = SessionFactory.OpenSession
        _ReturnList = _Session.CreateQuery("FROM MspCoordinate").SetMaxResults(1000000).List(Of Model.MspCoordinate)()
        If _Session IsNot Nothing Then
        End If
        Return _ReturnList
    End Function

    Public Function Selectall1(ByVal top As Integer) As System.Collections.Generic.IList(Of Model.MspCoordinate) Implements Interfaces.IMSPCoordinate.Selectall
        Dim _Session As ISession = Nothing
        Dim _ReturnList As IList(Of Model.MspCoordinate) = Nothing
        _Session = SessionFactory.OpenSession
        Dim q As IQuery
        q = _Session.CreateQuery("FROM MspCoordinate")
        _ReturnList = q.List(Of Model.MspCoordinate)()
        If _Session IsNot Nothing Then
        End If
        Return _ReturnList
    End Function
End Class

End Namespace``` And then the times.

Test Time
Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernate_1000000 2:08.34 m
Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernate_1000 0:00.09 m
Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernate_1000_1000 1:35.81 m

I also tried this with a transaction, but as can be expected with a select of this type, it didn’t help much.

Test Time
Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernatetrans_1000000 2:48.07 m
Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernatetrans_1000 0:00.15 m
Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernatetrans_1000_1000 2:14.03 m

And the last thing I tried was with createcriteria instead of createquery.

Test Time
Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernatecrit_1000000 2:08.21 m
Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernatecrit_1000 0:00.25 m
Select_MSP_SQLClientnhibernatecrit_1000_1000 1:36.35 m

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