This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.
The purpose of SQL Cop is to highlight potential issues in your SQL Server database. SQL Cop detects many different issues which can help you to address potential concerns within your database. Because the requirements for your database may vary, it is advised that the results from SQL Cop, while technically correct, be used as guidance and not as an absolute requirement for change.
On the left side of the SQL Cop window, you will see categories of issues that SQL Cop can detect. To investigate your database, expand a category by clicking the plus symbol (+) to the left of the name. You will then see a more detailed list of issues that SQL Cop can detect. To learn more about any specific issue, click on it. On the right you will see information that describes that item, usually including methods for correcting the problem.
To determine if any item applies to your database, click the plus symbol (+) to the left of the issue, if there is additional information, the item will turn red and more detail lines will be displayed. Some of these can be clicked to reveal more information. For example, if stored procedures are highlighted, you can click on the stored procedure and the code for it will be displayed.