In my Are you ready for SQL Server 2012 or are you still partying like it is 1999? post, I wrote about how you should start using SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 functionality now in order to prepare for SQL Server 2012. I still see tons of code that is written in the pre 2005 style and people still keep using those functions, procs and statements even though SQL Server 2005 and 2008 have much better functionality.
This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.
Automating the deployment of software to the various test, QA, and Production environments streamlines the software delivery process, provides a well-practiced routine prior to the production deployment, and removes a lot of the risks that come with depending on people’s memories and checklists in order to get a working production push. Automating the deployment also makes the process more repeatable and less prone to error, simplifying the creation or recreation of an environment not just for the current release, but for past releases as well.
In my Are you ready for SQL Server 2012 or are you still partying like it is 1999? post, I wrote about how you should start using SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 functionality now in order to prepare for SQL Server 2012. I still see tons of code that is written in the pre 2005 style and people still keep using those functions, procs and statements even though SQL Server 2005 and 2008 have much better functionality.
In my Are you ready for SQL Server 2012 or are you still partying like it is 1999? post, I wrote about how you should start using SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 functionality now in order to prepare for SQL Server 2012. I still see tons of code that is written in the pre 2005 style and people still keep using those functions, procs and statements even though SQL Server 2005 and 2008 have much better functionality.
I was recently working on a new presentation about filegroups (debuting in January! Come see me at the Wisconsin SSUG on January 10, 2012.). I was looking for a query to tie filegroups and files together. I found several blogs about it, but all of them referenced sysfiles. Why is this a problem? The SQL 2000 virtual table sysfiles, and the corresponding SQL 2005 + compatibility view sys.sysfiles, will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Our very own Denis Gobo has been writing a series about updating your code to use new syntax.
Human beings are good at creative tasks. Put an end user in front of an interface and ask them to find an error and good luck stuffing that particular cat back into the bag. Where we don’t perform as well is performing those tasks repetitively. After several cycles we begin to lose focus, start listening more to our expectations than what we are actually seeing in front of us, gradually forget steps, or worse lose track and have to restart from the beginning. By automating the redundant tasks, we play to the strengths of the computer and free the human to return to creative duties.
Continuing onwards with the SQL Server auditing feature, let’s start off by creating a simple audit that will capture some server level events. As a DBA one of the things to know is when login attempts are made, and which ones is failing as it could be someone unauthorized trying to gain access . This can be easily retrieved from the SQL error log, however we want to keep track of these events over a period of time, there for the error log might not suffice.
Previously DBA’s and in some cases even developers had to write custom triggers or set up various profiler traces to monitor what was happening in their SQL Server instances. When measures like this were left to the junior staff joining the company, it held potential disastrous complications in various forms ranging from bad performance due to the overhead or storage issues when traces are not monitored and archived. Some of these issues could take hours to resolve when the steps taken to audit the system is not documented and the root cause obscured in the form of witty triggers firing relentlessly.
In my Are you ready for SQL Server 2012 or are you still partying like it is 1999? post, I wrote about how you should start using SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 functionality now in order to prepare for SQL Server 2012. I still see tons of code that is written in the pre 2005 style and people still keep using those functions, procs and statements even though SQL Server 2005 and 2008 have much better functionality.
Executing an integration build and unit test run on the build server is all well and good, but before we can say a build is complete and ready to go, it’s a good idea to know it will work when it is deployed. Executing a test deployment and then smoke testing it will ensure the archived build is ready to be deployed to test or production environments and that the necessary configurations and resources are available and working.