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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

SQL Server Training Bonanza

There has been a great deal of good opportunities in the last few months for SQL Server training. If you were fortunate enough to attend, we saw another SQL Skills Immersion Event in August. There is something to be said about going to an event in which the top SQL Server Professionals are the trainers. I feel it is nearly a priceless experience and impact on personal gain of skills and knowledge. I encourage all of you to go see when the next Immersion Event is schedule for and get your employers to get you there!


Custom Charts in TeamCity

While re-implementing my continuous delivery pipeline in TeamCity last week, I skipped over charting the load tests results from WCAT. This weekend I returned to this task to find that it was less tricky than it originally appeared. How it works TeamCity has project and build level custom charting that is driven by settings files. These files and the format of the necessary chart definition are documented. The actual graph XML is pretty straightforward and easy to implement. The files refer to values that are provided by TeamCity (listed on that page), via a special file you drop during your build (teamcity-info.xml), or via service messages.


I made a big mess of my yield blogpost and I apologize to my readers for that.

I’m embarrassed, and not just a little. I mean a lot. [I made a blogpost][1] about the yield keyword and the fibonacci sequence and did not even check if I got the correct results. I just checked if the code ran. I was wrong and I was stupid. I would never do this in production. My main application has over 9k tests before I let it go in production. But for my blogposts I sometimes go to quickly.


Are you a real programmer, do you know all these artifacts you should know according to Uncle Bob?

So I am going through the book The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers by Robert C. Martin (AKA Uncle Bob) In chapter 1, section know your field, a list of artifacts is mentioned that you should know as a programmer. If you don’t know these things then apparently you suck, so let’s see how many of these do you know? Parnas Tables Nassi-Schneiderman Charts UML Data Flow Diagram Structure Charts Petri Nets State Transition Diagrams and Tables Flow Charts Decision Tables Tramp Data What is your count? Leave a comment with your count, it will be interesting to see how many people actually know all these things.


Continuous Delivery – To The Cloud!

So what do you do when you have a nice little build lab with two parallel automated deployment pipelines that include unit testing, interface testing, deployments, smoke testing, load testing, static analysis, and automated sort-of QA and production deployments? Take it to the cloud, of course. (Well, and write a bunch of blog posts and a wiki page too) Azure Setup The target of this exercise was to get the project deploying automatically to the cloud, and I wasn’t particular about where. I decided that the free website feature in Azure would be a good target. Mostly due to the free part but also because I suspected it would be easy.


VB.Net is rapidly becoming the most popular language in the world.

Yes you should jump on the bandwagon now before it is to late. So many people have seen the light and so should you. Just look at the TIOBE Programming Community Index for September 2012 VB.Net is now the 15th most important language in the Galaxy(seeing as there are no other sentient beings in this galaxy). Last year it was just 39th with 0.31% which means it more than doubled in just a year.


I blog to learn

Yeah, no kidding. I don’t blog for you guys. I blog for me. I’m selfish and egocentrical. I’m even a little narcissistic (but then again I have good reason to be). Anyway, I don’t do it for you. I do it for me. I learn by writing. I learn by making the demos. I learn from you. For example in my last post I made statements that something was impossible in VB but it was possible to do in C#. And all of a sudden someone leaves a comment and tells me I’m wrong and that I forgot something.


New Opportunities

Over the last year many well known SQL DBAs have either changed companies or changed roles within their companies. Now it is my turn to announce my change (not that I’m well known or even close the same league as the others!). This may seem a bit odd seeing how the last #Meme15 Topic was one that I suggested. What are 5 (or 10) reasons why you like your job? The truth is that I wasn’t actively looking for a new job. I happened to hear that this place was hiring and decided to apply to see what they were like. I’ve been with Ashley Furniture for about 3 1/2 years now. The DBA team there is an amazing well oiled machine of people who really support each other. I’ve learned and grown by leaps and bounds over the years and am really grateful for the experience.


New in VB11, the yield keyword

UPDATE 2: you should also read this after you read the below blogpost. [I made a big mess of this yield blogpost and I apologize to my readers for that.][1] Yes it is finally here. The yield keyword has come to VB.Net. It has been in C# for a while. This is all in attempt, no doubt, to make C# and VB.Net a bit more compatible. T annoy us less when you have to use the other language. To make our lives easier and more comfortable. Alas they failed again.


New In VS2012: New Solution Explorer View

I kinda like this new feature that is apparently based on an extension that was there in previous version of VS. At least that’s what Xavier Decoster told me. Xavier Decoster ‏@xavierdecoster @chrissie1 they got inspired by the Solution Navigator extension that existed for VS2010 It lets you create views on the solution explorer so you can have less files in it. Very handy when you are working on a certain feature. Especially handy when you have lots of little files in your code like me.