We all know Mr. Hanselman and we all know he is obsessed with his backups. In the comments of his last post about comments you will see a discussion about what is and what is not a backup. In short any kind of copy of your data is or can be a backup. It is however not a backup strategy. Your backup strategy depends on the how you value your data or even parts of your data and how paranoid you want to be.
This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.
I took a backup of one of our test databases today and gave it to someone so that it could be restored on one of their servers. I got back the following in an email from the person who tried to do the restore _ Date 11/16/2012 12:58:16 PM Log SQL Server (Current – 11/16/2012 1:00:00 PM) Source spid76 Message Database ‘YourCrappyDB’ cannot be started in this edition of SQL Server because part or all of object ‘CrappyIndexData’ is enabled with data compression or vardecimal storage format. Data compression and vardecimal storage format are only supported on SQL Server Enterprise Edition.
A computed column can be described as an expression that is evaluated in a table in the form of a column value. The computed column can have either a physical or logical representation. This means, if a computed column is created or altered to apply the persisted attribute, the actual computed value from the expression will be stored in the table physically. If the persisted attribute is not set, the column is evaluated upon request, and is logical. It is important to note that when persisted is utilized, a computed column is evaluated at any time the columns that are part of the expression being used are updated in any way.
Throughout the day, I probably write 5 to 15 short scripts to accomplish tasks that really, have no real purpose for future use. That is, they aren’t worth saving. Typically this is because the script, like the one below, is easier to write than it is to search a folder to find. Just about the time I was going to hit delete I thought; why not post them on LTD’s Wiki?
I hear more and more emphasis on two things: big data and business intelligence. Companies are investing more and more money in both. Conferences are providing more tracks on those topics. Books that focus on these topics seem to be everywhere. They were the focus of last week’s keynotes at PASS Summit. Yes, there is a lot of data out there. Yes, mining the data the business has collected for analysis, insights, and trends is what keeps the business moving forward. These topics are sexy. They’re attractive. People want to see them, and spend time with them.
Recently, I was discussing a problem I had with Merge Replication and the underlying replrec.dll at the time a service pack was applied to a SQL Server Instance. In order to prevent you from having to (re)read the article on the problem I uncovered and resolved, I’ll sum up that it required a deep look into the DLL coding and differences based on the versions that were released. Without getting excited and going on about how that problem was resolved, I’ll stay on track to why I’m writing this. The problem isn’t really the key; it’s the discussion itself.
In my previous post I showed you how to get an object from a call to a SignalR method. That call on the client side returns a Json.Net JObject. This is dynamic object. However, the implementation of this object is not very VB.Net friendly. If you try this. Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices Imports Newtonsoft.Json Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq Imports Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Hubs Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim connection = New HubConnection("http://localhost:50865") Dim plants = connection.CreateHubProxy("Plants") plants.On(Of String)("addMessage", Sub(data) Console.WriteLine(data.ToString())) connection.Start().Wait() Dim line As String = Nothing Console.WriteLine("type the id + enter to send, type exit + enter to exit.") While line <> "exit" line = Console.ReadLine() plants.Invoke(Of Object)("GetPlant", line).ContinueWith(Sub(data) If data.Result IsNot Nothing Then Console.WriteLine(data.Result.ToString) Dim result = data.Result Console.WriteLine(result.Id) Console.WriteLine(result.Genus) Console.WriteLine(result.Species) For Each commonName In result.CommonNames Console.WriteLine(commonName) Next Else Console.WriteLine("No plant with that id.") End If End Sub) End While End Sub End Module You will get an exception on result.Id
Introduction Yesterday I wrote a blog about SignalR and just 5 seconds after posting it I got this on twitter. So, here I am on a Sunday morning writing about SignalR and Hubs. Why hubs? You ask. Hubs provide a higher level RPC framework over a PersistentConnection. If you have different types of messages that you want to send between server and client then hubs is recommended so you don’t have to do your own dispatching.
Introduction If you haven’t heard of SignalR then you have probably been living under a rock for the past year or so. SignalR is an Async library for .NET to help build real-time, multi-user interactive web applications. In other words, it’s kind of a client-servery thing. So what can we do with it. We can send messages to all the clients that are connected to our server for one. Let’s try this.
Microsoft announced a couple of things at the PASS conference today SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1 is now available for download, you can get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35575 Just two of the new features available in this Service Pack Selective XML Index SQL Server 2012 SP1 introduces a new type of XML index known as a Selective XML Index. This new index can improve querying performance over data stored as XML in SQL Server, allow for much faster indexing of large XML data workloads, and improve scalability by reducing storage costs of the index itself. For more information, see Selective XML Indexes (SXI).