Java Training Day 1 — Today is day one of the Java class I am taking this week. I am just dumping some of the stuff that I am hearing about, some of the stuff I might already know. Java is a general purpose language, it is interperted, output is bytecode, you need to have a Java Virtual Machine on the target machine in order to run a Java program. A Java file gets compiled to a system-neutral format which is a class file and gets a .class extension, this is compressed and not really human readable
This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.
I decided to do a SQL Advent series of posts this year as well, this year I will focus on best practices. In case you are interested in last year’s posts, all of them are listed here: SQL Advent 2011 Recap Here is what the 25 posts will look like, the order that the posts are listed is not the same that they will be posted, I will randomly pick and choose
This week eleven coworkers and myself will be in Java training for most of the time, I haven’t touched Java since 2001. I did a bunch of research over the 4 day weekend to get a little head start. I installed Netbeans and Eclipse to see how they are different I played around with Tapestry and took a look at Struts I used JUnit to write a couple of tests
Introduction I am now using kotlin plugin 0.4.221 while I was using 0.4.214 just yesterday. In the last couple of weeks I started dabbling in kotlin a bit and wrote [a first blogpost about the data class,][1] because the data class was a new concept that I have not yet encountered in one of the many programminglanguages I have used over the years. But that probably means I have just been using the wrong ones all these years. Another new concept for me was the val keyword.
Introduction Over the last few weeks I have been playing around with [Kotlin][1]. First let me tell you that it can be a bit frustrating because Kotlin is far from a finished product. It works on an EAP version of IntelliJ with nightly builds of the plugin. So you are bound to have version that don’t work. I had 2 of those over the last week. But it now works with [IntelliJ 123.4][2] and kotlin plugin [0.4.214][3].
Hi and welcome to my blog! My name is Koen Verbeeck and I currently work as a Microsoft Business Intelligence consultant at Ordina Belgium. I specialize myself in the SQL Server BI stack and for some strange reason I particularly like to work with Integration Services (SSIS). Trying to get data out of those messy sources, manipulate it and stuff it as quickly as possible in SQL Server apparently does it for me.
The Back Story This past weekend, work was being done on our exchange server, so e-mail was down most of Saturday. What everyone (myself included) failed to realize was that this was going to impact scheduled reports from SSRS. So Monday morning, I got an e-mail asking about which reports should have ran on the Saturday and who they would have gone to. It sounds like such a simple request that I figured it couldn’t be that hard to figure it out. I was dead wrong.
I’ve been fortunate to have worked on a few books with some brilliant SQL Server Pros in the past few years. One of the most recent books with Jason Strate, Expert Performance Indexing for SQL Server 2012, was published by APRESS. I caught something last week that APRESS is having as a deal for their cyber Monday specials. Basically, APRESS has all of their books in the alpha stage and eBooks on sale for only $15. As most everyone knows, I’m a big fan of download free publications. This book however is not available that way but the $15 is pretty close to that. Having worked on many parts of the book and reading it a few times, with confidence, I can say it is well worth that.
Introduction In my previous post I made a SignalR server with and a consoleclient. Now it was time to make a webclient. And that took just a bit longer than expected. The client First of all we go and read the documentation on how to do this. I wish I would follow my advice from time to time. Then I added an index.html page to my server code (and VS2012 really hated me for that).
Introduction I needed a way to let my users know when something new arrived. For this I need to check an external system. The only way to do this is to pole the existing system every so often. I could easily do this on the clients, but this would create a lot of traffic if you had lots of clients. I decided have my server do the polling and then let the clients know when something new has arrived.