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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

SSRS Properties – Chart Axis Minimum, Maximum, and Interval

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Property: Minimum, Maximum, and Interval The purpose of these properties is to define the minimum and maximum values on a chart axis, and the intervals shown. To access the properties, select a chart axis and select Minimum, Maximum, or Interval. By default, all three are set to Auto. You can set them to any valid range.


SSRS Properties – Image Source

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Property: Source The purpose of this property is to specify where a report image is stored. To access the property, select an image and go to Source. The options are External, Embedded, and Database. Options: External – an image stored on a server. Specify a URL or path. Embedded – an image uploaded to and embedded in the report RDL. Database – an image stored in a database table. Example: I want to include the company logo in the header of a sales report.


Suppressing xp_cmdshell output

Starting with SQL Server 2005 xp_cmdshell is turned off by default as a security measure. You have to explicitly enable xp_cmdshell it. If you have to move files around on a SQL Server box there are probably better ways than using xp_cmdshell, you can use SSIS, powershell, plain old DOS. But old habits are difficult to break and maybe you have ton of legacy code. Someone asked how to supress output from xp_cmdshell when moving a file


SSRS Properties – CanGrow and CanShrink

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Property: CanGrow and CanShrink The purpose of these properties is to allow a text box to grow or reduce in size to fit a value. To access the property, select a text box and go to CanGrow or CanShrink. The options for both are True or False. CanGrow True – the text box will grow in size to fit a large value (default).


SSRS Properties – InnerPlotPosition

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Today my guest blogger is my good friend Doug Lane – a fellow blogger, presenter, and runner. If you ever get a chance to watch Doug present, do it! His lightning talk at PASS Summit 2011 on framing had me rolling with laughter. Today, Doug is talking about InnerPlotPosition.


Ten things added after SQL Server 2000 that I like the most

It is almost 8 years since SQL Server 2005 has been released, we have gotten 3 major versions since SQL Server 2000: SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2012. I decided to take a look to see what I find the most useful that has been added after SQL Server 2000. Since I already wrote blog posts about most of the things I listed I decided to just give a small description why I like the feature followed by a link to the blog post I already created earlier.


SSRS Properties – VerticalAlign

This blog is part of my series Making Data Tell a Story With SSRS Properties. Property: VerticalAlign The purpose of this property is to set the vertical text alignment of a text box or tablix cell. To access the property, go to the text box and select VerticalAlign. The options are Default, Top, Middle, and Bottom. Options: Default – top. Top – text will be placed at the top of the cell and go down.


MongoDB: Returning documents where fields are null or not existing

In a regular SQL database, you can check if a column is null by using IS NULL For example if you wanted to return all rows where the age is null, you would do the following SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE age IS NULL In a NoSQL database it is possible that half the documents in a collection are omitted and maybe five are there with the value null. How can you know if the field is missing or has the value null?


Listing all RESTORE and BACKUP operations currently going on your SQL Server

Sometimes you want to quickly see if there are any databases or logs being backed up or restored at this moment. I blogged at one point how you can check how much longer the restore will take here: How much longer will the SQL Server database restore take. The other day someone wanted to know this information for all databases on a server, he wanted to know this for restores as well as backups. The query below will give you that info as well as the percentage that is complete for each operation


Windows and SQL Server 2012 Test Setup

SQL Server 2012 Test Setup I’m often asked what I would recommend for a development or test environment on a local machine for working with SQL Server 2012. Often, requirements increase or change with the next, greatest version of SQL Server but when it comes down to it, for testing, this setup is the same for SQL Server 2008. Keep that in mind if you are in need of a 2008 solution and not ready for 2012. This article will describe my setup. There will be some follow-up articles that will go through the steps that are needed to mimic the setup.