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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

AngularJS vs Knockout – SPA Routing/History (8 of 9)

I’m reviewing Angular and Knockout to determine which would fit better for a variety of upcoming projects. Let’s talk Single Page applications, and more specifically, Routing and History. While AngularJS doesn’t have the word “SPA” on their front page, the tutorial jumps straight into building one. How hard is it to give Knockout the same routing capability? Does it end up worse? This is the eighth of eight nine posts looking at the capabilities of knockout and Angular. In the introduction post, I outlined the capabilities that I am evaluating for. In the seventh post, I looked at unit testing. This post explores routing and history. All of the examples presented throughout the series are available in the tarwn/AngularJS-vs-Knockout repository on github.


VB.Net is moving up again

Last years post read VB.Net is rapidly becoming the most popular language in the world. This year the trend is continuing according to Tiobe. So it goes from 0.840% to 1.933% this year. Combined with regular Basic last year they had 6.368% this year 6.752%, so maybe a lot of VB users are moving to VB.Net but their are others it seems, maybe those people that left C#. .Net (VB.Net and C# combined) went from 7.436% to 7.651%, which is still a lot smaller than Java or C.


AngularJS vs Knockout – Automated Testing (7 of 8)

I’m reviewing Angular and Knockout to determine which would fit better for a variety of upcoming projects. As we get into projects that are larger than a few small views and routes, the ability to add automated testing becomes important. Unit testing provides a safety net against future us screwing up the code that present us is writing, can be used before we write the code (TDD) or after, and helps us keep some of the complexity in check as the project size grows and ages. Let’s put AngularJS and Knockout under test.


Speaking about BIML at the SQL Server Days 2013

I'm very thrilled to be selected again as a speaker for the sixth edition of the SQL Server Days! The biggest SQL Server event of the year in Belgium, with lots of learning opportunities for developers, BI folks and DBAs. This event is organized by SQLUG, the Belgian SQL Server user group. My session is titled Create ETL solutions faster with metadata driven development and shows you how you can use BIML and metadata to create SSIS solutions dynamically. The abstract is as follows:


AngularJS vs Knockout – Modules and DI (6 of 8)

I’m reviewing Angular and Knockout to determine which would fit better for a variety of upcoming projects. The larger or more complex a project, the more important it is to be able to modularize the code. Modules provide organization, ensure script loading order is correct, and enable dependency injection for cleaner unit testing. AngularJS brings a built-in ability to define modules and inject dependencies. With Knockout, we’ll look at using RequireJS, and AMD packages.


AngularJS vs Knockout – Templating (5 of 8)

I’m reviewing Angular and Knockout to determine which would fit better for a variety of upcoming projects. A huge piece of both of these frameworks is the ability to create and reuse templates for the output. AngularJS brings template Directives, transclusion, and behavior to the table, while Knockout brings templating, dynamic template names, and it’s own ability to apply additional behavior. This is the fifth of eight posts looking at the capabilities of knockout and Angular. In the introduction post, I outlined the capabilities that I am evaluating for. In the fourth post, I looked at serialization. This post explores some of the templating capabilities in the two frameworks. All of the examples presented throughout the series are available in the tarwn/AngularJS-vs-Knockout repository on github.


Hybris released

hybris software released a patch for hybris version 5.0.3 and made it available for download as hybris on their wiki site. The download can be found at: hybris The migration manual can be found at: Migration manual The complete 5.0.3 release notes are here: Release notes Important fixes UISessionUtils throws NullPointerException when the session expires JGROUSPING Table not created when using clustering with jgroups and an Oracle database NPE when getting results form sorlSearchResult on Grouping Product Variants Inheritance of classification classes is not working as expected


AngularJS vs Knockout – Serialization (4 of 8)

I’m reviewing Angular and Knockout to determine which would fit better for a variety of upcoming projects. A key operation will be API GETs and POSTs, so how easy or hard will it be to serialize and send data models? Is my server going to have to wade through extra framework properties? This is the fourth of eight posts looking at the capabilities of knockout and Angular. In the introduction post, I outlined the capabilities that I am evaluating for. In the third post, I looked at validation. This post is exploring serialization of data models and any ability to prevent frontend values from being sent to the server. All of the examples presented throughout the series are available in the tarwn/AngularJS-vs-Knockout repository on github.


Enable TDE when Replication is in use

Are there any specific problems that need to be taken into consideration when enabling Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) on a database that is published with a type of replication? The answer to the question above is no, other than ensuring certificates match on all databases that are involved in the replication landscape to retain the security needs for why TDE is being used. TDE is file level encryption. This meaning, TDE encrypts and decrypts at the disk level where the data and log files are retained. Replication is managed in a combination of the system databases and the user database level and in reality, has no awareness of the file storage. This is the same when we would discuss any type of replication such as, Peer-to-peer, Transactional or Merge. This can even go further into topics such as mirroring, availability groups and backup and restore.


Replication requires the actual server name – Incorrect server name

Tonight I went into a virtual lab to setup Transactional Replication for demonstration purposes. Over time, the lab has been changed, altered and just about turned upside down, one way or another. Upon trying to call the wizard in SSMS, I received the following error. This error is fairly common with replication and trying to administer or setup publications/subscriptions. The problem is written out pretty well. You must connect to the true name of the instance in order to manipulate it. This is primarily due to replication relying on the instance names in such a highly critical manner. In the case of the error above, the name of the server is actually NODE1 and the instance is NODE1SHAREPOINT2013. So where is it getting the odd default vmware name that is shown in the error?