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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

SQL Friday, The Best SQL Server Links Of The Past Week Episode 2

Here we go, the second week of The Best SQL Server Links Of The Past Week series. It was a slow week this week, didn’t see a lot of things **Performance Impact: file fragmentation and SAN — Part I Performance Impact: file fragmentation and SAN — Part II Performance Impact: file fragmentation and SAN — Part III** Linchi Shea’s three-part post about performance impact with file fragmentation andthe SAN Defensive database programming: fun with UPDATE.


SQL Server Rounding Methods

There are various ways to round a number, and most of us don’t give it much thought, but we should. There are several methods for rounding: Round Up, Round Down, Round Away From Zero, Round Toward Zero, and Round Toward Even (also known as bankers rounding, unbiased rounding, Gaussian rounding, and statisticians rounding), and Stochastic Rounding. It’s important to note that in most cases, the Round function produces the result we want. The intended purpose of the code shown below is to affect only those cases where a number can be rounded up or down because the value rounded is exactly mid-way between the rounded up number and the rounded down number. For example, when you round 3.5 to the nearest whole number, what should the result be? 3 or 4? When you perform many calculations on rounded numbers, a Stochastic round or a bankers round will be more accurate than any other method because (statistically), the edge cases will cancel each other out, resulting in a more accurate result.


CHESS: An Automated Concurrency Testing Tool

CHESS is an automated tool from Microsoft Research for finding errors in multithreaded software by systematic exploration of thread schedules. It finds errors, such as data-races, deadlocks, hangs, and data-corruption induced access violations, that are extremely hard to find with current testing tools. Once CHESS locates an error, it provides a fully repeatable execution of the program leading to the error, thus greatly aiding the debugging process. In addition, CHESS provides a valuable and novel notion of test coverage suitable for multithreaded programs. CHESS can use existing concurrent test cases and is therefore easy to deploy. Both developers and testers should find CHESS useful.


Visual Studio 2005 error – "Project type is not supported by this installation"

I recently had to go back and make some changes to a Web Service I’d made a while ago in VS2005. For some reason, when I tried to open the project, Visual Studio gave me this error: “Project type is not supported by this installation” I can’t think of any changes I’ve made to my Visual Studio installation, but something must have changed for it to no longer see the type of project I’d created (it could open other projects in the solution, just not this particular one).


The Ten Most Asked SQL Server Questions And Their Answers

If you are active in the SQL Server newsgroups and forums as I am, you will notice that the same questions keep popping up all the time. I picked ten of them which I see daily. Since this became a pretty long blogpost I have linked all the questions below to jump to the question itself. Selecting all the values from a table for a particular date Search all columns in all the tables in a database for a specific value



Chris Shaw posted a new SQL Quiz where he asks: “What are the largest challenges that you have faced in your career and how did you overcome those?” Denny Cherry (@mrdenny on twitter) tagged SQLDenis who tagged George who tagged Ted who then tagged me so here is my story: And yeah I just copied the above from someone else’s post and improved it a little. I hate these tagging things. But since George and Ted could kill me if I don’t, I will anyway.


An ego will only hurt you: Toughest Challenges

I’ve been victimized!!! OK, the biggest challenge I’ve ever encountered was part of a job move a little less than two years ago. I was hired into a developer position with a large company with the hopes my skills would add to a team leading the core functionality of the companies pricing systems. Anytime you come into a new position no matter how experienced and knowledgeable you are it is always a tough situation. First you have to fit in the team and second you have to slam your abilities into foreign systems. It’s a challenge in itself!


SQL Quiz: Toughest Challenges

Chris Shaw posted a new SQL Quiz where he asks: “What are the largest challenges that you have faced in your career and how did you overcome those?” Denny Cherry (@mrdenny on twitter) tagged SQLDenis who then tagged me so here is my story: The biggest problem I’ve ever encountered was based on a rookie mistake I made several years ago. I wrote an application that would take vehicle position data and allow you to view and report on the data. Each vehicle would report its position every 10 seconds, and my customer owned approximately 100 vehicles. This amounted to roughly 10 positions per second. No big deal.


Application Event Log for your website

A healthy application is one which does not throw up any application errors. However in unexpected situations when it happens, error gets logged on the web server’s event log. It’s usually takes a little while to scroll through the event viewer to find your error. One good option is to create a separate application error log for your website. Let’s see some code now. Start by importing the System.Diagnostics namespace.


VB.Net and C# – the difference in OO syntax part 4

[Part 3][1] Like I said in my previous post, I am now going to talk about the difference in namespace and variable declaration. [C# and VB.NET Comparison Cheat Sheet][2] Namespace or namespace The only real difference between C# and VB.Net is the capitalization. VB.Net uses Namespace, while C# uses namespace. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace C_Class_Library_1 { public class Class1 { } } By default C# will also always add the default namespace and the folderhierarchy, for example: