Denis didn’t think I needed to write a post about it but George think I did. I don’t think I really need to write a post about something in the future because the future is an unknown and not something I can control but I will try. I will be like I have always been. For those of you that don’t know me that well here is a small list: gentle, kind, hansom, cool, intelligent, helpful, fantastic, great, … And those are just the things that other people said about me. And I will continue to be like that in the future.
This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.
Last Friday, I got a request from one of our bloggers to have a means of getting a list of his posts. I thought that this couldn’t be that hard. I was slightly wrong. First, I thought I would do it all myself and use a direct connection to the database to get the data needed. But then I looked a bit closer at b2evo (the engine we use) and saw that it already had a link called archives and I thought that it would be easier to just change that.
Oops, that sucks Journalspace is no more. Here is what they have said about this on their blog It was the guy handling the IT (and, yes, the same guy who I caught stealing from the company, and who did a slash-and-burn on some servers on his way out) who made the choice to rely on RAID as the only backup mechanism for the SQL server. He had set up automated backups for the HTTP server which contains the PHP code, but, inscrutibly, had no backup system in place for the SQL data. The ironic thing here is that one of his hobbies was telling everybody how smart he was.
New year’s is always a good time to sit back and think about your past, present, and future. Looking back at my past, there are several things that I am particularly proud of. My family My business My ability to help others (blogs and/or forums) My family keeps me well balanced. They do a particularly good job of keeping me sane while driving me crazy. I’d be nothing without them.
Here we are with another amazing episode of the SQL Friday, The Best SQL Server Links Of The Past Week show Obviously this week is another slow week, here is what I found interesting this past week in SQL Land: Failure to load Report Manager due to truncated UserAgent string CSS SQL Server Engineers write about this issue A year in review, The 31 best blog posts on SQLBlog for 2008
Our resident master of passing these things along, Denis tagged me again so I guess that I’d better fill it out. I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions, I figure that I’m so horribly broken that I’ll never fix myself so simply. Aside from paying off debts, losing weight, making millions, etc… here are some things I plan to do this year: Thesis: After what seems like forever, I should be finishing my masters’ degree this year. I wasn’t really feeling the idea of doing the capstone project (I have enough software projects I work on in my free time as it is, don’t really need another!). I also like writing (especially when its’ not crammed into a 7 week course) so I decided to do the thesis. The paper’s going to be on the open source ecosystem. Primarily Java. I could tell you more, but then I’d have to kill you. Or have Chrissie do it 😉
I was working on my resolution post yesterday and was going to post it on my personal blog here: I noticed last night on my twitter feed that Jason Massie tagged me here: My list is more a to-do list for the year than a resolution, since I am as perfect as Chrissie1 having a resolution would mean I wasn’t perfect, this clearly isn’t so. Here is what I intend to do in 2009
Here we are with another fascinating episode of the SQL Friday, The Best SQL Server Links Of The Past Week show Obviously this week is another slow week, here is what I found interesting this past week in SQL Land: Using SQLIOSim to Diagnose SQL Server Reported Checksum (Error 824/823) Failures Another good post by the PSS SQL Server Engineers Enabling compression on a HEAP Sunil Agarwal explains how to enable compression on a table that is a heap (i.e. it does not have a clustered index)
I noticed that a new site has been launched named About Scrum This site is intended to be a resource for those who wish to learn about SCRUM and software project management in general. So far it is looking great, they have a couple of videos up and also a bunch of articles. Here is a quote for you if you never looked at scrum before A chicken and a pig are together when the chicken says, “Let’s start a restaurant!”.
There is code available to take advantage of the sp_replwritetovarbin heap overflow bug In a default configuration, the sp_replwritetovarbin stored procedure is accessible by anyone. To disable this proc you can run this as an admin on the box Before disabling this pro read BradC’s comment so that you do not break replication execute master.dbo.sp_dropextendedproc 'sp_replwritetovarbin' Microsoft is investigating new public reports of a vulnerability that could allow remote code execution on systems with supported editions of Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000), Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (WMSDE), and Windows Internal Database (WYukon). Systems with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 are not affected by this issue.