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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Communicating with KBay, Design Pattern for Web Services

Hey everyone, Sorry this post has been so delayed. I was wiped out last week and a half with a nasty cold that I am still recovering from. I missed my entire Thanksgiving break, curled up under blankets and coughing my lungs up. Anyway, I'm finally back on my feet, albeit completely buried under catch up work and a new project. But as promised, nuts and bolts from KBay!


Applying Kanban to IT Processes (Part 1)

This is the first article in a multi-article set that describes the basics of Kanban and explores applying Kanban to IT Processes. Part one provides a basic overview of Kanban and how it is used in manufacturing. The remaining parts explore sample scenarios to help generate ideas for your own environment. Lately I have seen an increase in the number of articles in the Development and Agile Project Management communities that describe the merits of Kanban, showing the value that Kanban has helped provide in conjunction with Agile methods. Most of these articles focus heavily on the visualization aspect (Visualizing Agile Projects using Kanban Boards for example) though a few dig into other benefits of Kanban or simply claim Kanban is a silver hammer in search of a nail. In the IT community it seems that most of the material has been directed at software project management and IT Developers, but Kanban is applicable to many other areas of IT.


Some more Google wave invites

Since people still want to get one and I just got some new ones. Just post in here and read the question the first people giving a sensible anwser* 😉 get an invite. http://forum.lessthandot.com/viewtopic.php?f=100&t=8859#p44414 * Actually any answer will do but some people should learn to read the fineprint.


Testing backup compression in SQL Server 2008

I got a brand new SQL Server 2008 test server and decided to test backup compression. I picked 2 databases to do this test; the smaller database is 4.8GB in size the bigger database is about 44 GB in size. Let’s start with the smaller database. First I backed the database up, one backup used compression while the other one did not. Let’s look at some code BACKUP DATABASE [SmallDB] TO DISK = N'V:SmallDB_Compressed.BAK' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'SmallDB-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, COMPRESSION, STATS = 2 GO The compressed backup took 34.313 seconds (138.881 MB/sec) to complete.


An ode to Log, I love thee so

Hey Everyone, Rick here again. I really want to get to the nuts and bolts of KBay, but first, we have to get into some of the tools our shop has in place. We leverage these tools to improve almost all aspects of our development life cycle. Two of the biggest tools we refer to as Environment Provider and Application Logging. The Environment Provider The Environment Provider does exactly what its title suggests: It provides an environment, or more specifically, all of the meta-data an application needs to exist in a specific configuration. Connection strings, end points, application configurations, etc. There is one single database that holds all of this data. This data is identified by a "context". For example, the KBay webservices can exist on a local developer's PC, a Development Server, a Staging Server, and a Production Server. Each of these locations can connect to either the Development or Production database. So a combination of the location of the application and the desired data environment gives us a context for which a set of environment parameters to use. In the case of KBay, the structure is pretty simple. We have some other apps, international apps with multiple data sources, well, they get a bit crazy, but we have an app just for managing all these settings:


Missing foreign key constraints

References are at the heart of a database. It is possible to create a beautiful database with perfectly working front end code that always, 100% of the time, does the right thing with your data. But, writing code is hard. Very hard! Your data is often the most important asset you own. You need to protect it with every bit of technology you can find. At the heart of protecting your data is referential integrity. What does this mean? It means that you shouldn’t be missing data, ever!


Procedures with cursors

Looping in SQL code almost always causes performance problems. You can use a cursor or a while loop in SQL code. Both offer similarly bad performance. Not all code can be re-written in a set based manner, but it does make sense to revisit your looping code from time to time to see if it can be re-written. There are rare times when a cursor will outperform set based code. Not all procedures returned by the query need (or should) be re-written. But it is a worth while endeavor to re-examine these procedures from time to time.


Collation conflicts with temp tables and table variables.

When the collation of your user database does not match the collation of TempDB, you have a potential problem. Temp tables and table variables are created in TempDB. When you do not specify the collation for string columns in your table variables and temp tables, they will inherit the default collation for TempDB. Whenever you compare and/or join to the temp table or table variable, you may get a collation conflict.


To BUILTINAdmin or not to BUILTINAdmin

A while back I wrote, “To SA or not to SA”. That blog touched my security side that I take very seriously in my database server landscape. I’m glad to have seen so many read the blog in hopes it brought attention to the SA account where it may have been overlooked. In a reply to one of the comments I touched on another default setting for SQL Server regarding the BUILTIN Administrators group. BUILTINAdministrators is created by default on windows operating systems. This group has little to no limitations on the OS and application installations on the server.


Developing KBay: It's All About the Team

Hello Everyone, Rick here again with another little blurb on my most recent Silverlight project, KBay. Today, I'd like to write a little bit about what went right. Separation of Power One of the biggest attributes of KBay's success, IMO, was the segregation of development. My coworker Adam (Hi Adam!) and I handled the majority of the work for this project. The initial goal was to try to involve everyone on the App Dev team, to give them more exposure to Silverlight. But with the tight time-line and other priorities, we couldn't keep the whole team on page. So after some initial design meetings and DB layout, it largely fell to Adam and me to get it to work.