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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Index DMV usage considerations

Let’s think about it for a minute Index DMV (Dynamic Management Views)/DMF (Dynamic Management Functions) goodness! SQL Server 2005 and up has given us the ability to truly be more efficient in gathering information with which we can be more proactive. With everything these objects give us, a price has to be paid. We will discuss that price but first, we’ll go over a few major features that DMV/DMF has provided to us in regards to indexes to help us in our daily tasks.


Finding meaningful error details to report execution failures

SSRS errors are not friendly Today a friend of mine asked for a hand with an SSRS error he was getting. I have to admit, at the time I was pretty busy and feel bad that I didn’t answer the question completely. The error was resolved though and the find/fix by him was impressive to say the least. One thing that was frustrating for both of us was the error presented from the report server when this particular report execution failed. In short, the error was not helpful at all. There is resource to find more in-depth descriptions on the error though by turning to the trace logs that are enabled on reporting services. Below, we will go through searching for these descriptive errors in the logs.


Working with vendor-provided databases

Will you be my friend? When it comes to database performance issues, finding the cause and the resolution is usually half the battle, if not most of it. But when the database involved is vendor-provided, getting the resolution implemented can actually be another (long) story. Not only does the vendor have to be involved, they also have to somewhat agree to the resolution and participate actively in implementing it. This is the reason it is so important to build a good relationship with your vendor—and to do so before it’s actually needed.


MongoDB persisting System.Drawing.Image

Allthough the [MongoDB documentation][1] says that it support binary data, I don’t think the .Net driver really does. Document-oriented storage (the power and flexibility of JSON-like data schemas) Dynamic queries Full index support, including secondary indexes, inner-objects, embedded arrays, geospatial Query profiling Fast, in-place updates Efficient storage of binary data large objects (e.g. photos and videos) Replication and fail-over support Auto-sharding for cloud-level scalability MapReduce for complex aggregation Commercial Support, Training, and Consulting Beacuse when I try to add an image as property the whole thing blows up.


Trying out MongoDB persisting objects

This is the second part in my attempt to learn MongDB. [Part 1.][1] As you could see in part 1, MongoDB is very magic stringie. And I don’t like magic stringies. But not to worry, Google to the rescue and a certain Mohammad Azam ([azamsharp][2]). I found this C# [code][3] and with his permission I translated it to VB.Net. He made a bunch of extension methods to easliy serialize from a MongoDB Document to your object and the other way around.


Time to try MongoDB

I guess this NoSQL thing is getting to me. So I had to try it and see if I can use it with my favorite language. I first did a little research on the net and found [this post][1]. I went on from there. First I [downloaded][2] [MongoDB][3]. Then you unzip it and go to the bin folder and run mongod.exe. By carefull with firewall issues. Now we create a folder named c:datadb


Interview with me about the chapters I wrote for the SQL Server Deep Dives book

The folks at http://sqlperspectives.wordpress.com are reviewing the SQL Server Deep Dives book a chapter at a time (one chapter per week). The review is usually done by more than one person, so far there are already 8 chapters reviewed. I think that this is a very cool idea, it is almost like a book club. Since they reviewed my chapter about the minimally logged bulk insert, they asked me to do an interview. You can find that interview here: http://sqlperspectives.wordpress.com/2010/03/26/an-interview-with-denis-gobo/


Approach the SQL Community without hesitation!

I want to first apologize to anyone that regularly reads my blog and some of the babble I throw on lessthandot.com while I learn SQL Server and grow as a DBA. My family recently moved into our new house and time has been very limited. Things are going well and the hectic schedule I call the SQL Pump is slowly coming back into its normal stride. Why don’t you know this? This is an extension of “Finding SQL Server Support – Become an expert yourself” much more personal discussion than other topics that I typically write about. In my efforts to be useful to the SQL Community, I have often met SQL DBAs and Developers who are just hanging around the sidelines, completely unaware of how much SQL Server help and support are out there. Surprisingly, although they sort of know that they can find answers online, they really don’t know the lengths to which respected people in the SQL community will go to help them.


Formatting the time from a datetime or time datatype by using the STUFF function

This is a quick post about a question that had to do with time formatting. This question was asked in our SQL Server programming forum today I don’t see a format of hh:mm AM/PM only Do we need to do it using datepart or how to get only hour:minute am/pm format ? The question can be found here: Formatting time only. SQL Server has a bunch of formats for converting datetime values, a list of all of them can be found in Books On Line here: CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL)


Binding to Custom Properties in Silverlight

The Binding system is Silverlight is pretty cool. It lets us easily bind property values of UI Elements to all sorts of good stuff. But, if you want to create your own custom bind-able properties, it takes a bit more effort than the usual Property="{Binding=Field}" in XAML. For example, I have a datagrid. One of the columns in that data grid holds a control that displays and icon and a tool tip based on the content of some data.