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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

How to flip a bit in SQL Server by using the Bitwise NOT operator

This question came up today. in c# i have a: a = !a (if false makes it true, if true makes it false) in sql i want to do the same with a BIT variable In a language like C# you can use ! for a bool to make it become true if it was false and vice versa So if you run this bool a = true; a = !a; Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); a = !a; Console.WriteLine(a.ToString()); Console.ReadLine(); The output will be


SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Released

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2 has been made available for download. **What’s New: 15K partitioning Improvement.** Introduced support for a maximum of 15,000 partitions in tables and indexes in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2 in the Enterprise, Developer and Evaluation Editions. For details on how this support can be enabled and disabled, along with recommended operation paramaters, see the white paper Support for 15000 Partitions. Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated Mode.


Sometimes I don’t want to be DRY

Introduction We all know that DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) is a very important mantra for a developer. But like all things there are some exceptions. In the following case I knew I was kinda repeating myself but I can’t care less. The database side Time to go look in the database (yuck, I know). There is no reason why you should not normalize your data when you work with an RDBMS (of course there are plenty of reasons why you would not do it, but bear with me). Perhaps in this day and age this a bit of over optimization but the smaller the pages the less IO you would get (I learned that from my fellow LTD people).


Patch for the ASP.NET Padding Oracle vulnerability has been released

If you are running an ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC or Sharepoint site, grab the patch for the ASP.NET Padding Oracle vulnerability Some info: This security update resolves a publicly disclosed vulnerability in ASP.NET. The vulnerability could allow information disclosure. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could read data, such as the view state, which was encrypted by the server. This vulnerability can also be used for data tampering, which, if successfully exploited, could be used to decrypt and tamper with the data encrypted by the server. Microsoft .NET Framework versions prior to Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 are not affected by the file content disclosure portion of this vulnerability.


A few reasons why I’m not yet moving to WPF

Introduction I have some very good reasons to switch from Windows forms to WPF. I think from an UX point of view there is so much more you can do in WPF than you can in Windowsforms. The fact that you can easily create styles and create new controls is one of the best reasons to switch IMHO. But it seems that it still has more than a few problems.


nHibernate making updates and inserts much faster

Introduction The model behind this screen is pretty complex. This part is especially bad. Each of those colored lines is 421 rows in the database and this particular one has 14 of those. So that means it has to load 5894 rows just for that little thing. But that is not the big problem since it can do that quit fast and with one select statement. But some of the time you also need to save it to the database and that is slow since that needs 5894 statements.


Windows Server 2008 – How To Enable Telnet

By default, Telnet is disabled on a Windows Server 2008 installation and if you try to run it you will see an error something along the lines of: So, here’s a very simple walk-through of the steps I had to follow in order to enable Telnet on a Windows Server 2008 box: Open the Server Manager: Select “Features” from the left TreeView pane and then click “Add Features” from the right-hand pane: Select “Telnet Server” from the list of available features and click Next followed by Install: Wait for what seems ages (it was probably only 5 minutes but it seemed like a long time!) whilst it installs the server: When it is complete, open a command prompt, type “telnet” and you should be presented with the following screen:


TeamCity and deployement

Introduction As you all know, I moved to teamcity for my nightly and continuous builds. Now I have also done the same for the deployment builds. My deployment builds are not yet continuous but I’m just 5 seconds away from them. Work flow My work flow is very simple for deployment builds. Rebuild debug run unittests on debug build Rebuild release build Copy to deployment folder and let the updater do it’s work.


Moving to TeamCity

Introduction I have been using [Finalbuilder Server][1] for my continuous integration for over a year now and I was pretty happy with it. But I had a problem with some of my tests. For some reason my NUnit-View-tests. Cause a problem. I even know more or less what the problem is too, and it is an old third party control that I use and that I can’t just replace in a few minutes. So I either had to remove those tests or look for something else. And I knew that my tests ran under the Resharper UnitTestRunner, the Resharper Unittestrunner uses a homemade version of NUnit because of licensing isseus. And TeamCity just happens to use the same runner so I was hopefull that this would solve my problem.


How I work with git

Introduction A little while ago I switched from SVN to Git. I also explained how to install TortoiseGit. Now here are my conclusions after working with it for a bit. To GUI or not to GUI I’m a GUI man myself, if I can click it than I will. Typing seems a waste of time if the solution is just one click away. So my first instinct was to install a GUI, in this case that was TortoiseGit, which seemed the logical choice since I had used TortoiseSVN before.