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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Don't install Denali BIDS side by side with a 2008 instance

If you already have a SQL Server 2008 or a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance then do not install SQL Server Denali as a named instance. If you do so then your current SSIS development environment will be broken. There is a reason there are virtual machines, I recommend using VirtualBox With CTP1 of Denali, BIDS is still based on Visual Studio 2008, in a later version it will use the 2010 shell.


Find what is deprecated in SQL Server Denali by using sys.dm_os_performance_counters

With every version of SQL Server come warnings about features/code that is deprecated. You can use the sys.dm_os_performance_counters dynamic management view to find what these deprecated features are. If you run the following query on SQL Server Denali CTP 1 select * from sys.dm_os_performance_counters where object_name like '%deprecated%' You get back 239 rows, below are the new things compared to 2008 sp_configure ‘awe enabled’ sp_configure ‘affinity64 mask’ sp_configure ‘affinity mask’ SET ERRLVL SET FMTONLY ON


Using OFFSET N ROWS FETCH NEXT N ROWS ONLY In SQL Server Denali for easy paging

SQL Server Denali makes it much easier to do paging compared to previous versions of SQL Server. In SQL Server 2005 or 2008 you would do something like the following to skip the first 50 rows WITH cte AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY number) AS ROW,* FROM master..spt_values WHERE TYPE ='P' ) SELECT * FROM cte WHERE ROW BETWEEN 51 AND 100 Take a look at how you do this in SQL Server Denali, it is much easier and cleaner in my opinion


Debugging In SQL Server Denali

Debugging has been improved in SQL Server Denali, here is a quick video that shows you how you can set a break point hit count and then while debugging it will stop when it hits that value. Of course stuff like this has been around forever in Visual Studio, I am glad that it now is also available in SSMS Click on the SQL Server Denali tag to see all our SQL Server Denali related posts


Screenshots of the new look and feel of BIDS in Denali

If you are installing SQL Server Denali CTP 1 on a computer which already has SQL Server 2008 or 2008 R2 installed, please read: Don’t install Denali BIDS side by side with a 2008 instance. For CTP 1 BIDS is still based on VS 2008 once they switch to 2010 this won’t be a problem. The first thing you will notice is that the icons are new, here is just a simple package that shows some of these icons


A first look at sequences in SQL Server Denali

People have been asking for sequences for a very long time and now finally it is included with SQL Server Denali CTP 1. You don’t have to muck around with an identity table that you share across many tables anymore. A simple sequence will look like this CREATE SEQUENCE GlobalCounter AS INT MINVALUE 1 NO MAXVALUE START WITH 1; GO To get the next value from the sequence you would do something like this


First look at SQL Server Management Studio Denali

The SQL Server Management Studio that ships with SQL Server Denali CTP1 is based on the Visual Studio 2010 shell. One of the advantages you will see right away is that if you have multiple monitors you can drag a query window to another monitor. This is some great stuff because currently I have two and sometimes 3 instance of SSMS running at all times.


Raleigh Code Camp Followup

Saturday started off cold and rainy, but it didn’t matter because, for over 100 of us, there were more important things going on. Namely sessions ranging from the one I presented, Unit Testing, to specific C#, jQuery, database, ALM, Silverlight, Ruby, and Python topics. In fact there were so many specific topics and I heard so many good things about all of the sessions that I wish I could have twinned or tripled myself to attend them all.


What SQL Server book would you recommend for a Sybase and Oracle admin?

Someone I know has over 10 years experience with managing Sybase and Oracle boxes. He now needs to also manage some SQL Server boxes. What books would you recommend? This is to manage 2008 instances, there are no 2000 instances anymore 🙂 Ted Krueger gave me the following recommendation 10 years experience on any database server should give a solid foundation so I’d venture into throwing him into the deep end with a book like Profesisonal SQL Server 2008 internals and troubleshooting


Use an OUTER LOOP JOIN for faster performance when one of the tables is much smaller

A couple of days ago a coworker was having problems with an insert statement. This insert statement needed to insert data into a table if that data didn’t already exists in the table he was inserting to. The table he was inserting to had about 20 million rows and the table he was inserting from had about 100 thousand rows. The problem he had was that the left join that checked if the rows existed was nor performing very well. Since one table was much smaller compared to the other table I suggested a left outer loop join. Once he changed to the left outer loop join the query was about 20 times faster because now it performed an index seek instead of an index scan.