A while ago, a coworker (Jon) showed us a presentation over lunch that he had given at the local alt.net user group on the Reactive Extensions for .NET. I was pretty unfamiliar with the subject, but once I got the lowdown from this presentation it was quite clear that this was something I’d need to explore. At the most basic level, the reactive extensions are about setting up your objects to react to something they are subscribed to. In the presentation, he used an analogy of a reversed, or push-based IEnumerable, and I like that a lot. There is a ton of cool stuff in this library that I hope to get into later, but it all hinges on that idea.
This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.
For every instance of SQL Server Reporting Services (2005+) there are two databases, a primary and a TempDB. The primary database holds all of the data for your instance, such as: Users, Folder Structure, Roles, Security, Subscriptions, Data Sources, etc. There a lot of data here that you can use to clean up your Reporting Services instances, or help keep them in order. Also, from my experience the database doesn’t change much from 2005 to 2008, so these should work on both versions. I’d be willing to bet they’ll work on 2008 R2 as well. If they don’t, let me know.
I saw this blog the other day entitled Why I feel like a fraud and it was something to which I could immediately relate. The author does a good job of explaining about feeling like a fraud, someone who lives in fear of being exposed for not being good enough at what they paid to be good (or expert). And he covers both the positives and negatives. Fortunately, I find that I tend more toward the positive attributes of feeling like a fraud as I rarely stay up late at night worrying about being exposed as such. Frankly, anyone who knows me knows that I am far more likely to be very open (perhaps too open?) regarding when I feel less than expert at a given subject matter.
It’s that time of year again to make sure we spend all the money in the training budget. Use it or lose it right! So, after a quick look at the upcoming projects on the white board, I decided it was time to upgrade my skill set in the area of BI. I’ve signed up for “Implementing and Maintaining SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services and Business Intelligence Solutions”. The class is being taught by Global Knowledge up in Boston for 5 days and covers the following;
Last week I had the pleasure of presenting at a .Net Code Camp on the topic of Unit Testing. A key theme of the session was barriers to adoption and the values we can achieve using this tool. The main barrier to my adoption of Unit Testing was the idea that writing twice as much code would increase the value of my work. Twice as much code, as was pointed out in a response to my post two week’s ago, sounds like higher maintenance costs, higher initial development costs, and a greater opportunity for bugs.
The SQL Community is an important part to everything I do both in work and pleasure. Over the last year, I’ve started to realize that the work aspect to my life could be pushed higher and at the same time, pushed more into a role that benefits the SQL Community. It is always hard to disconnect yourself as a production DBA from the systems that you build and nurture from a failing service into an enterprise worthy service. Even so, I’ve made the decision to part with those systems and my current employer to move into a role that will for one, be more challenging and second, a company that supports both the community and has great pride in the product and services they provide.
It really was! By the reaction I received from most of the people that I had been talking to for some time now, you wouldn’t have guessed this to be my first PASS but I had the first timer ribbon proudly shown. I can say with great confidence that I was missing out badly over the years. Monday I’m going to take Monday as a shout out to Expressor. I arrived in Seattle fairly late. Blythe and Expressor invited me to a gathering that had started around 6:00PM. Since my flight landed at 6:05PM, I was already in a rush to hit the light rail and head downtown. With all intentions of dropping my bag off and checking into the hotel first, I started walking to the Westin from the Westlake stop. Well, remember that this was my first trip to PASS and Seattle. Needless to say my choice of direction was the opposite to that of my hotel. The good news is, I realized quickly I was heading the wrong way (only about a Seattle city block) I looked up to see the sign of the meeting place for the Expressor crew a few steps in front of me when I realized the mistake. I’m glad it happened that so I wasn’t delayed any longer from getting there. I may have missed the main dinner course but I found myself sitting in a round table manner with the likes of Andy Leonard (Twitter | Blog), Jessica Moss (Twitter | Blog), Todd McDermid (Twitter | Blog), Aaron Nelson (Twitter | Blog), Rob Farley (Twitter | Blog), Michelle Ufford (Twitter | Blog), Adam Machanic (Twitter | Blog), Jason Strate (Twitter | Blog), Tim Mitchell (Twitter | Blog) and many more. A fairly breath taking representation of the SQL Community and SQL Server knowledge that would scare any Oracle team out of the house.
Today at PASS the SQL Server team has publicly announced the first Community Technology Preview of the next version of SQL Server code named Denali. You can download it here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=6a04f16f-f6be-4f92-9c92-f7e5677d91f9 I have been playing around with Denali for a couple of weeks now and created a couple of posts. Below is a list of the posts, click on each link to get some more information about Denali First look at SQL Server Management Studio Denali
With SQL Server Denali CTP1 come 20 new dynamic management views, this brings the total number of dynamic management views to 155 Here is a list of the new dynamic management views, included is also the type of the dynamic management view DMV Name <th> DMV Type </th> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_db_objects_disabled_on_compatibility_level_change </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_db_uncontained_entities </td> <td> VIEW </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_exec_describe_first_result_set </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_fts_index_keywords_by_property </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_hadr_availability_group_states </td> <td> VIEW </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_hadr_availability_replica_states </td> <td> VIEW </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_hadr_database_replica_states </td> <td> VIEW </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_hadr_database_synchronization_states </td> <td> VIEW </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_hadr_instance_node_map </td> <td> VIEW </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_hadr_name_id_map </td> <td> VIEW </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_logconsumer_cachebufferrefs </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_logconsumer_privatecachebuffers </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_logpool_consumers </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_logpool_hashentries </td> <td> VIEW </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_logpool_sharedcachebuffers </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_logpool_stats </td> <td> VIEW </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_logpoolmgr_freepools </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_logpoolmgr_respoolsize </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> <tr> <td> dm_logpoolmgr_stats </td> <td> SQL_INLINE_TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION </td> </tr> Unfortunately, when I downloaded this there was no documentation available yet, once documentation is available I will take a closer look at the new dynamic management views in Denali
If you have a stored procedure which returns two result sets up till now there was now way to get the meta data easily about the first result set. Let’s take a look what is new in SQL Server Denali, first create this very simple stored procedure. create procedure prTest as select 1 as a, 'B' as b select 'A' as z, 3 as d Go sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object Run the following query select * from sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object(OBJECT_ID('prTest'),1) Here is partial output