You may or may not have noticed it after installing SQL Server 2012: the designer interface in Visual Studio 2010/2012 has had a make-over. Nothing too drastic, but at least the undo button works. However, sometimes when you drag or move tasks/components on the canvas, they start to shake. A lot. And very annoyingly as well. (Quite impossible to take a screenshot of that, so sorry). This behaviour emerged after applying CU6. There are Connect items logged about this issue:
This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.
Yesterday I got a 405: method not allowed on my Put request which I sent to my Nancy powered webservice. I made the request with Javascript. For reference this was my module, the routes only. [Get]("/search") = Function(parameters) 'something pretty End Function Put("/search/{page}") = Function(parameters) 'something even more pretty End Function So after I got the method not allowed I went to google and found… a post I wrote in the past. So according to my younger self I should blame it on IIS and it not allowing the method. It also had the solution in that post, which was already there in my project.
I’ve been working on an angular app that allows users to manipulate a very large dataset in memory, using various options to filter what is shown at any given time. For one particular “view” into the data there were still over 4000 items (each needing 2-way binding), which is well beyond the point that angular’s ng-repeat starts to drag. I looked at various solutions online, and this solution stood out to me, largely because we already need to apply one round of filtering before getting to ng-repeat, and I didn’t want to add a third array that needed to be kept in sync.
In my previous posts about this subject Nancy and localization: how I think it works, Nancy and localization: The cookie approach and Nancy and localization: The better cookie approach I explored how localization works in Nancy. I however forgot to write tests to see if my code actually works. So I continue on adding to that project but for your comfort I will repeat the code here. So here is now the current module.
This morning Adam Machanic (blog | twitter) asked the following question on Twitter: Anyone know if it's possible to configure PowerPoint 2013 to use speaker mode but then go back to duplicate displays on exit? — Adam Machanic (@AdamMachanic) March 4, 2015 A very interesting question, as I was wondering this myself at my last session. I was presenting the slides using presenter mode, which means the projector screen is an extension of your desktop. PowerPoint does this automatically. However, when exiting the slideshow I would like to go back to duplicated screens, as it’s much easier to do demos when your screen is duplicated instead of extended. I have heard other presenters with the same issue as well.
On Tuesday, I have to decide: which lunchbox do I take to my first day of work – Star Wars or Wonder Woman? That’s right, I’m heading into a new office to start my first day at a new job! After three years with the crazy-smart crew at Brent Ozar Unlimited, I’m closing that chapter and starting the next. I’ll be a Senior SQL Server Engineer at Concurrency, a Brookfield, WI-based Microsoft partner and consultancy.
I’ve been doing some webdevelopment lately (something I don’t do all that often) and found the need to test my javascript code. I find the need to test most of my code. I came to the conclusion that qunit was the first to show up in a Google search so it must be really good. Thank you Google. I asked on twitter, but people were less then useful on there.
Introduction In my previous post I showed you how to keep the culture in a cookie and read from it and set the Context.Culture in each request. So after I wrote that the very handsome Jonathan Channon told me not to because Nancy has this already built in. The code Simple. First you remove the bootstrapper file I had in the previous post. And then you set the CurrentCulture cookie. Imports System.Globalization Imports Nancy Namespace Modules Public Class HomeModule Inherits NancyModule Public Sub New() [Get]("/") = Function(parameters) Return View("Home") End Function [Get]("/{locale}") = Function(parameters) Try Context.Culture = New CultureInfo(parameters.locale.ToString) Catch ex As Exception Context.Culture = New CultureInfo("en-US") End Try Return View("Home").WithCookie(New Cookies.NancyCookie("CurrentCulture", Context.Culture.Name)) End Function End Sub End Class End Namespace Nancy reads this cookie and will set the culture from that by default.
Introduction So in my previous post I showed you how localization worked in Nancy and I showed you I set the Context.Culture to tell Nancy which culture to use. I might be doing this all wrong but that worked for me. But setting the context on each request will get boring if you have a 100 modules. So here is how I solved that for my use case. The cookie approach For my use case the person viewing my website has no login, he surfs the site anonymously. So the best way in my mind to keep his language setting is to keep it in a cookie.
Introduction In Belgium localization of your website is very important. So I set out to test how well it worked for my use case. I need a website in Dutch, French and English. For most of my website dev I use Nancy with razor viewengine and the hosting. As you can see the wiki is less then informative on this feature. I will change that and make it more informative. You can also take look at the localization demo app.