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A decade of helpful technical content

This is an archive of the posts published to LessThanDot from 2008 to 2018, over a decade of useful content. While we're no longer adding new content, we still receive a lot of visitors and wanted to make sure the content didn't disappear forever.

Learning Ruby on windows: step 1.2 interfaces

Introduction Since I come from statically typed language the next thing to look for are interfaces. An interface in .Net is more or less a contract or a way to make multiple inheritance possible whatever you like. There are people who can explain it better than me.. And there is always Google. But if you look for interfaces in ruby you will not find them. Because you just don’t need them. The following is how I see it, so I might be wrong.


Learning Ruby on windows: step 1.1 properties/accessors

Introduction In [my previous post][1] I used classes and used getters and setters like we did in the good old Java days. But as Jak Charlton (Thanks for all his help). pointed out there are other ways to do the getter-setter thing in Ruby. Accessors First of all there are [accessors][2] . I think an accessor is like an automatic property in .Net. In Ruby the accessors like in VB.Net use nicely named backing fields so you can still use them in your code if you like. [This is not true in C#][3].


Learning Ruby on windows: step 1 classes

Introduction I am on my way to learn Ruby (my way). So I randomly try out things I think I might need or think that seem important to me. I try not to look at books to much because I learn best from making mistakes, if you do everything right the first time you probably have no idea what will happen if you do it wrong. I also try to write tests for everything and see what exceptions I get and why I get them.


Rubymine getting the test-unit to work better.

Introduction As you might have read I had a little problem with my first test and rubymine. It ran the test but it did complain and did not show the pretty results I like and want. The problem Of course it says how to solve it but not really clearly. Please install ‘test-unit’ gem and activate it on runtime. The solution I kind of found the solution here. But not sure how my brain figured that out.


Learning Ruby on windows: step 0.2 running ruby interactively

Introduction In my previous posts I told you how I installed ruby and how I wrote my first test. As a reaction to my posts Jak Charlton told me to try IRB or Ruby interactive mode. And he told me to read Ruby in twenty minutes. And being a good boy, I did. First of all To be honest, this line was kind of cryptic to me. If you’re using Windows, open fxri from the Ruby section of your Start Menu.


Learning Ruby on windows: Step 0.1 testing the hello world

Introduction I am learning myself Ruby not because I need to but just because I can. In [my first post][1] I showed you my setup that I will be using for now. And I got hello world working. Now I want to write a test to see that my output is what it is supposed to be. The problems In encountered a few problems when trying to make my test work. First was how to capture the stdoutput. This was fairly easy, namely Google. I found this [thinkingdigitaly][2] post very useful.


Learning Ruby on windows: step 0

Introduction I guess it is time for me to learn Ruby and see what all the fuss is about. Here is how I got it installed and how I got a first little scribble done. The IDE First thing to do is look for an IDE since those things always make your life easier, or maybe not. But at least it’s a quick way to get going, or maybe not. I went with [Rubymine][1] because it came recommended on [this stackoverflow question][2]. And then I read the quickstart guide.


A Cheat Sheet for All the *{_(%#$] PowerShell Punctuation

I’ve gone to The Dark Side: I took a PowerShell class. I’ve started writing new scripts and replacing old VBscripts. Was it scary? Terrifying. Learning a new language – programming or speaking – is never easy. Do I know everything? Not even close. I know how to get help (get-help – get it? harharhar…), and who to ask for help. One of the biggest obstacles for me was figuring out the punctuation and syntax in PowerShell. How do I comment out a line? Why (), [] and {}? What does it all mean?


Fluent security with VB.Net

Introduction So after solving the little bug with regards to [fluent security and VB.Net][1] I now can try out [fluent security][2]. How it works So now that I have it working I needed to find out how it works. My first attempt was to make the About Function in the Homecontroller only accessible for logged in users. Yes I know this seems illogical but who cares about that anyway. For this I need to change the configuration code in my Global.asax to this.


fluent security and making it work in VB.Net

Introduction I like most fluent frameworks, especially if they prevent the use of attributes. In essence there is nothing wrong with attributes but they kind of violate SRP. With [fluent-security][1] you can avoid that and keep the security code in separate files. I did not see any VB.Net examples so I will post some here. The beginning First I had to install MVC 3 ;-), I swear I’m ashamed. Then I created an MVC 3 internet application.