A long time ago (last week) I wrote about [servicestack and easyhttp][1].
now I would like to talk to you about restservice. Restservice is a way to make a restfull service with servicestack.
The service
First let’s build our service.
Imports ServiceStack.ServiceInterface
Imports ServiceStackModel.Response
Imports ServiceStackModel.Request
Imports ServiceStack.ServiceHost
Public Class PlantService
Inherits RestServiceBase(Of PlantRequest)
Private ReadOnly _plants As IList(Of PlantResponse)
Public Sub New()
_plants = New List(Of PlantResponse)
_plants.Add(New PlantResponse() With {.Id = 1, .LatinName = "Fagus", .Name = "Beuk"})
_plants.Add(New PlantResponse() With {.Id = 2, .LatinName = "Betula", .Name = "Berk"})
End Sub
Public Overrides Function OnGet(ByVal request As PlantRequest) As Object
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Name) Then
Return _plants.Where(Function(response) response.Name = request.Name)
End If
Return _plants
End Function
End Class
As you see I inherit from restservicebase and for now I just override the Onget method. The OnGet takes a plantrequest as a parameter.
Since I still have the routes setup I can now use this url to get all the plants.
With this as the result.
Or I can do this and get one result.
The easyhttp client
And now it was time to write the client.
So there is 2 ways I could do this with easyhttp last week.
Option Explicit Off
Imports EasyHttp.Http
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim http = New HttpClient("http://localhost:3318")
http.Request.Accept = HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson
Dim response = http.Get("/plant/Beuk")
Dim plant = response.DynamicBody
response = http.Get("/plant?Name=Berk")
plant = response.DynamicBody
End Sub
Private Sub WritePlant(ByVal plant As Object)
For Each plant In plant
End Sub
End Module
Public Class PlantRequest
Public Property Name As String
End Class```
I can live with both ways. And it works. But I wanted a better way.
I wanted this.
Dim response = http.Get("/plant", new With {.Name="Beuk"})```
The above just makes the queryparameters and does the call that way.
So this week there is a version of easyhttp namely (1.5.3) that supports the above. After all easyhttp is opensource and I just forked it, added a ton of code. Did a pull request, did another pull request and did a third pull request (Hadi is a hard man to please) and now we have the above code working. Simples 😉
## Conclusion
If an open source projects doesn’t work the way you want than just fork it and add it.
[1]: /index.php/DesktopDev/MSTech/VBNET/servicestack-vb-net-and-some