I am learning myself Ruby not because I need to but just because I can. In [my first post][1] I showed you my setup that I will be using for now. And I got hello world working.
Now I want to write a test to see that my output is what it is supposed to be.
The problems
In encountered a few problems when trying to make my test work. First was how to capture the stdoutput. This was fairly easy, namely Google. I found this [thinkingdigitaly][2] post very useful.
And I used this little piece of code to make it work for me.
require 'stringio'
module Kernel
def capture_stdout
out =
$stdout = out
return out
$stdout = STDOUT
Which made me look for a way to include this file in my tests because I wanted to keep this separate from my testcode.
It seems that you need to use require_relative “nameoffile” to do that.
I then needed a function in my helloworld code so I could invoke it and test it.
So this became.
def helloworld
puts "Hello world advanced"
def seems to be the way to go.
## The test
And now it is time to see test. I used TestUnit for this and not rspec.
require "test/unit"
require_relative "module"
require_relative "helloworld"
class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_if_hello_word_advanced_is_put_on_stdout
out = capture_stdout do
assert_equal "Hello world advancedn", out.string
Tests just begin with the word test and the class inherits from a bunch of stuff. and the assert_equal seems to be obvious.
When I run the above I get this.
<div class="image_block">
<a href=""><img alt="" src="" width="1035" height="762" /></a>
I have to figure out this gems thing pretty soon me thinks. And then get rubymine to play nice with the test framework.
## Conclusion
Google to the rescue. But in the end it went pretty smoothly. At least I got my first test running. Test are very important in any language so they are the best place to start learning.
[1]: /index.php/All/