Since php supports OO I think we should follow the OO rules. SO I wrote a [DAO layer like sun recommends it for it’s J2EE framework][1].

So lets start with the Factory. lets put it in a folder dal.

include_once( 'constants.php' );
require_once( 'factory/DatabaseFactory.php' );

class Factory
   function getInstance ()
        static $instance;
        if (!isset($instance)) 
            $c = __CLASS__;
            $instance = new $c;
        return $instance;
   function getFactory()
	return dataBaseFactory::getInstance();
this factory is a singleton and can be called as such.

Something like this will do.

$factory =  Factory::getInstance();```
the above file also uses a file called constants.php.

which looks like this.

define('DATABASE', 'mysql');
We will discuss what it is used for later.

the rest will follow later.
