
A few hours ago I started a website in Nancy. Now I want to show data I have in my webpage.

And here the docs were not all that helpfull. But I made it.

The Model

First of all I need a Model.

Namespace Model Public Class PlantsModel Public Property Id As Integer Public Property Name As String Public Property LatinName As String End Class End Namespace And I put that in a Model folder. I ended with Model since that is the convention but not really needed in all cases.

The View

Time to move on to more exiting things.

I created a Plants.html file.

html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>NancyFX</title> </head> <body> <h1>Plants</h1> <div id="plants"> <p>@Model.Id</p> <p>@Model.Name</p> </div> </body> </html> I used the SuperSimpleViewEngine for this.

As you see I just add the @Model. and then the name of the property I want. Simples.

Now I just need to tell my controller what to do.

The Controller

I guess we can call our module our controller.

```vbnet Imports WebApplication2.Model Imports Nancy

Public Class PlantsModule Inherits NancyModule

Public Sub New()
    MyBase.Get("/plants") = Function(parameters)
                                Return View(New PlantsModel() With {.Id = 2, .Name = "test"})
                            End Function

End Sub

End Class``` So the url http://localhost/plants will take you to the page Plants.htmland will inject the PlantsModel I just created in there. By convention the fact that you inject a PlanstModel in there informs Nancy that you want to use the Plant.html view.

You could have written this instead.

```vbnet Imports WebApplication2.Model Imports Nancy

Public Class PlantsModule Inherits NancyModule

Public Sub New()
    MyBase.Get("/plants") = Function(parameters)
                                Return View("Plants.html", New PlantsModel() With {.Id = 2, .Name = "test"})
                            End Function

End Sub

End Class``` Or any other html.

And that gives us this amazing page.


Slightly harder than it should have been because I could not find the correct docs that explained this simply. But I got it working anyway.