
A few hours ago I started [a website in Nancy][1]. Now I want to show data I have in my webpage.

And here the docs were not all that helpfull. But I made it.

The Model

First of all I need a Model.

Namespace Model
    Public Class PlantsModel
        Public Property Id As Integer
        Public Property Name As String
        Public Property LatinName As String
    End Class
End Namespace```
And I put that in a Model folder. I ended with Model since that is the convention but not really needed in all cases.

## The View

Time to move on to more exiting things.

I created a Plants.html file.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div id="plants">
I used the [SuperSimpleViewEngine][2] for this.

As you see I just add the @Model. and then the name of the property I want. Simples.

Now I just need to tell my controller what to do.

## The Controller

I guess we can call our module our controller.

Imports WebApplication2.Model
Imports Nancy

Public Class PlantsModule
    Inherits NancyModule

    Public Sub New()
        MyBase.Get("/plants") = Function(parameters)
                                    Return View(New PlantsModel() With {.Id = 2, .Name = "test"})
                                End Function

    End Sub

End Class```
So the url http://localhost/plants will take you to the page Plants.htmland will inject the PlantsModel I just created in there. By convention the fact that you inject a PlanstModel in there informs Nancy that you want to use the Plant.html view. 

You could have written this instead.

Imports WebApplication2.Model
Imports Nancy

Public Class PlantsModule
    Inherits NancyModule

    Public Sub New()
        MyBase.Get("/plants") = Function(parameters)
                                    Return View("Plants.html", New PlantsModel() With {.Id = 2, .Name = "test"})
                                End Function

    End Sub

End Class```
Or any other html.

And that gives us this amazing page.

<div class="image_block">
  <a href=""><img alt="" src="" width="230" height="243" /></a>

## Conclusion

Slightly harder than it should have been because I could not find the correct docs that explained this simply. But I got it working anyway.

 [1]: /index.php/WebDev/ServerProgramming/ASPNET/nancy-and-vb-net