Yesterday, my nas died on me, actually it didn’t, I just couldn’t connect to it any more and this thing didn’t have a USB port only ethernet.
So I decided to get the disk out and mount it in my desktop. Since it was Sata that was easy. But I hit a little snag and that is that it was formatted in ext3 and windows does not read ext3
So I googled and found Linux reader 1.1 from diskinternals you find it in the freeware section. Yes freeware. It’s very small and it installs in seconds.
You then get a screen with your drives on it, ext 3 drives included.
You then choose the folder you want to recover and click on recover this folder in the sidebar.
After which it starts.
And now I have one extra 250GB drive in my desktop.
And like Ted says, Backups are for sissies.