I don’t think it’s any secret that I love SQL Saturdays. Spending a day learning about and teaching others about SQL Server, surrounded by great friends, is a great way to spend a Saturday (occasionally)! My next appearance will be SQL Saturday #149 on September 29, 2012, in Minneapolis, MN.

Check out this schedule! It’s loaded with local and regional talent. There are multiple SQL Server MCMs and MVPs speaking. The downside? There aren’t clones of me to attend all the sessions happening at any one time!

I was chosen to speak too! If you’re attending, I hope you can join me for one of these presentations.

Make Your Voice Heard!

SQL Server professionals like to talk – a lot. We blog, we tweet, we answer forum questions, and more to help others. Add your voice! Learn about the different ways you can share your experience and knowledge. Once you start teaching others, you'll realize how much knowledge you have!

The What, Why, and How of Filegroups

Having multiple database files and filegroups is one of many strategies to improve performance and make administration easier. What are filegroups, and how do you use them? In this session, I'll show you how to create filegroups, create objects in them or move objects to them, and discuss how they can help performance. I'll also cover Enterprise-level features like piecemeal restores.

Minnesota is Going to Rock!

The PASSMN group is passionate and dedicated, and will be sure to impress. Make plans to attend SQL Saturday #149 now!