It is very rare these days that you get the opportunity to go to an event where they talk about VB.Net so I think you should go and make the world a better place.

It’s the 15th of October.

Basic’s not dead (Bert Michielsen)

As developers , many of us had their first professional experience in VB.NET as Visual Basic was then called. A PL that severely suffered from trying to be too userfriendly, in contradiction to the new star in the .NET ecosystem back then: C#. Which had the advantage of being at the forefront of every new implementation of the .NET platform.

Visual Basic has suffered from bad pub in the community, due to rumours, due to lack of 3d party support and due to its own syntax amongst other things.

VB 11, the latest iteration of the language, however, is different. It has a feel that is so much closer to C# than to oldschool Visual Basic or VB.NET.

But without the drawbacks of C#. And with all the powerful stuff that has been in the VB compiler from the beginning still in it. Like it or loath it, the Basic PL is far from dead yet.

VB 11 comes as a pleasant surprise for C# developers who have been out of VB for a while as well as for VB 8/9 developers. VBA, VB 6 or VB 7 developers on the other hand better fasten their seatbelts !

In a half session we will dive into the additions that make VB 11 stand out from all of its predecessors as well of some VB 9 and VB 10 stuff you have to know in order to get the most out of working in this language.

I applaud the Bert for doing this.