From time to time on still has to use the built in Print abilities of winforms. But you should be using microsoft reporting a lot more.

And one of the things you micht want to do is to print something in lanscape mode.

So you do this.

Dim _printDocument = New Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument
Dim _printPreviewDialog = New PrintPreviewDialog
_printPreviewDialog.Document = _printDocument
_printDocument.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True
But alas that doesn’t actually turn the page. And God only knows what it really does because I have no idea.

<div class="image_block">
  <a href=""><img alt="" src="" width="390" height="378" /></a>

But luckily we can do this instead.

Dim _printDocument = New Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument
Dim _printPreviewDialog = New PrintPreviewDialog
_printPreviewDialog.Document = _printDocument
_printDocument.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True
And yes that gives the desired result.

<div class="image_block">
  <a href=""><img alt="" src="" width="416" height="338" /></a>

Did you spot the difference?

Well, you don&#8217;t use the PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings on PrintDocument but you use the DefaultPageSettings on PrintDocument to get it to work. Someone might need to rethink the ApI there, but I guess that has no chance what so ever of happening since winforms is supposedly dead.