One of the biggest problems you will encounter in your career as a developer is pesky users. They always seem to enter the wrong data. So we need to validate their input into your brilliant system.

There are several ways of doing this when using a domain model.

First, you could make sure that all your properties and constructors are designed in such a way that your object can never be in an invalid state. I wrote about this before. The biggest problem with this, is that it can get problematic really fast. I would therefore only advise such an approach for simple objects. Really simple objects.

The better thing to do is to create a validating framework. You can read an excellent article by JP Boodhoo. He describes how to do this in a C# kind of manner. He shows how to make a validation framework and adds a Validate method to the object. This is one method to do it. But his framework works just as well for an external framework where you pass in the object to be validated. And that is what my code in VB.Net does. I also don’t use predicates but the newer Func(of T).

First the interface for the BusinessRule:

vbnet Namespace Model.Validation Public Interface IBusinessRule(Of T) ReadOnly Property Name() As String ReadOnly Property Description() As String Function IsBrokenBy(ByVal Item As T) As Boolean End Interface End Namespace Then an implementation for this Interface:

```vbnet Namespace Model.Validation Public Class BusinessRule(Of T) Implements IBusinessRule(Of T)

    Private _name As String
    Private _description As String
    Private _action As Func(Of T, Boolean)

    Public Sub New(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Description As String, ByVal Condition As Func(Of T, Boolean))
        _action = Condition
        _name = Name
        _Description = Description
    End Sub

    Public Function IsBrokenBy(ByVal Item As T) As Boolean Implements IBusinessRule(Of T).IsBrokenBy
        Return Not _action(Item)
    End Function

    Public ReadOnly Property Description() As String Implements IBusinessRule(Of T).Description
            Return _description
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String Implements IBusinessRule(Of T).Name
            Return _name
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

End Namespace``` Of course you will always have more than one rule per object so we need an IBusinessRuleSet:

vbnet Namespace Model.Validation Public Interface IBusinessRuleSet(Of T) Function Messages(ByVal Item As T) As IList(Of String) Function IsBroken(ByVal Item As T) As Boolean Function BrokenBy(ByVal Item As T) As IList(Of IBusinessRule(Of T)) ReadOnly Property RulesCount() As Integer ReadOnly Property BrokenRulesCount() As Integer End Interface End Namespace And an implementation:

```vbnet Namespace Model.Validation Public Class BusinessRuleSet(Of T) Implements IBusinessRuleSet(Of T)

    Private _rules As IList(Of IBusinessRule(Of T))
    Private _brokenRules As IList(Of IBusinessRule(Of T))

    Public Sub New(ByVal Rules As IList(Of IBusinessRule(Of T)))
        _rules = Rules
    End Sub

    Public Function BrokenBy(ByVal Item As T) As System.Collections.Generic.IList(Of IBusinessRule(Of T)) Implements IBusinessRuleSet(Of T).BrokenBy
        _brokenRules = New List(Of IBusinessRule(Of T))
        For Each _rule In _rules
            If _rule.IsBrokenBy(Item) Then
            End If
        Return _brokenRules
    End Function

    Public ReadOnly Property BrokenRulesCount() As Integer Implements IBusinessRuleSet(Of T).BrokenRulesCount
            If _brokenRules Is Nothing Then
                Return 0
            End If
            Return _brokenRules.Count
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property RulesCount() As Integer Implements IBusinessRuleSet(Of T).RulesCount
            Return _rules.Count
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Function IsBroken(ByVal Item As T) As Boolean Implements IBusinessRuleSet(Of T).IsBroken
        If BrokenBy(Item).Count > 0 Then Return True
        Return False
    End Function

    Public Function Messages(ByVal Item As T) As System.Collections.Generic.IList(Of String) Implements IBusinessRuleSet(Of T).Messages
        Dim _l As New List(Of String)
        For Each _rule In BrokenBy(Item)
        Return _l
    End Function
End Class

End Namespace``` And now for the Validator class that you will be using all over the place if needed 😉 :

text Namespace Model.Validation Public Interface IValidator(Of T) Function IsValid(ByVal Item As T) As Boolean Function Validate(ByVal Item As T) As IList(Of IBusinessRule(Of T)) Function Messages(ByVal Item As T) As IList(Of String) End Interface End Namespace And the implementation:

```vbnet Imports TDB2009.Dal.Model.Common.Interfaces

Namespace Model.Validation Public MustInherit Class Validator(Of T As IDomainEntity) Implements IValidator(Of T)

    Private _rules As IBusinessRuleSet(Of T)

    Public Sub New(ByVal Rules As IBusinessRuleSet(Of T))
        _rules = Rules
    End Sub

    Public Function IsValid(ByVal Item As T) As Boolean Implements IValidator(Of T).IsValid
        Return Not _rules.IsBroken(Item)
    End Function

    Public Function Validate(ByVal Item As T) As IList(Of IBusinessRule(Of T)) Implements IValidator(Of T).Validate
        Return _rules.BrokenBy(Item)
    End Function

    Public Function Messages(ByVal Item As T) As IList(Of String) Implements IValidator(Of T).Messages
        Return _rules.Messages(Item)
    End Function
End Class

End Namespace``` And this is an example of an implemented BusinessRuleset:

```vbnet Imports TDB2009.Dal.Model.Validation

Namespace Model.AnalysisManagement.Validators.Rulesets Public Class FiberTypeRulesSet Inherits BusinessRuleSet(Of FiberType) Implements Interfaces.IFiberTypeRulesSet

    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    Private Shared Function MakeRules() As IList(Of IBusinessRule(Of FiberType))
        Dim _Rules As New List(Of IBusinessRule(Of FiberType))
        _Rules.Add(New BusinessRule(Of FiberType)("NotEmptyDescriptionEn", "Description En can not be empty", Function(x) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Description.En)))
        _Rules.Add(New BusinessRule(Of FiberType)("NotEmptyDescriptionFr", "Description Fr can not be empty", Function(x) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Description.Fr)))
        _Rules.Add(New BusinessRule(Of FiberType)("NotEmptyDescriptionNl", "Description Nl can not be empty", Function(x) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Description.Nl)))
        _Rules.Add(New BusinessRule(Of FiberType)("NotEmptyKey", "Key can not be empty", Function(x) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.FiberType)))
        Return _Rules
    End Function
End Class

End Namespace```