This is the second part in my attempt to learn MongDB.
[Part 1.][1]
As you could see in part 1, MongoDB is very magic stringie. And I don’t like magic stringies. But not to worry, Google to the rescue and a certain Mohammad Azam ([azamsharp][2]).
I found this C# [code][3] and with his permission I translated it to VB.Net.
He made a bunch of extension methods to easliy serialize from a MongoDB Document to your object and the other way around.
Imports MongoDB.Driver
Imports System.Web.Script.Serialization
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports System.Reflection
Module Module2
<Extension()> _
Public Function ToOid(ByVal id As String) As Oid
If id.Length = 24 Then
Return New Oid(id)
End If
Return New Oid(id.Replace("""", ""))
End Function
<Extension()> _
Public Function ToIEnumerable(Of T)(ByVal documents As IEnumerable(Of Document)) As IEnumerable(Of T)
Dim list = New List(Of T)()
For Each document In documents
list.Add(document.ToClass(Of T))
Return list
End Function
<Extension()> _
Public Function ToClass(Of T)(ByVal source As Document) As T
Return New JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(Of T)(source.ToString())
End Function
<Extension()> _
Public Function ToDocument(ByVal source As Object) As Document
Dim document = SerializeMember(source)
Dim _property = document.GetType().GetProperty("Document")
If _property IsNot Nothing Then
_property.SetValue(source, document, Nothing)
End If
Return document
End Function
<Extension()> _
Private Function SerializeMember(ByVal source As Object) As Object
If (Not Type.GetTypeCode(source.GetType()).Equals(TypeCode.Object)) Then
Return source
End If
If TypeOf source Is Byte() Then
Return source
End If
If TypeOf source Is IEnumerable Then
Dim documents = New List(Of Object)
For Each doc In source
Return documents.ToArray()
End If
Dim properties = source.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance AndAlso BindingFlags.Public)
Dim Document = New Document()
For Each _property In properties
Dim propertyValue = _property.GetValue(source, Nothing)
If (propertyValue Is Nothing) Then Continue For
If _property.Name.Equals("_id") Then
Document.Add(_property.Name, ((propertyValue.ToString).ToOid()))
Document.Add(_property.Name, SerializeMember(propertyValue))
End If
Return Document
End Function
End Module
Now I can easily change my code to this.
First a class person.
Public Class Person
Private _Name As String
Private _FirstName As String
Public Sub New()
_Name = ""
End Sub
Public Property Name() As String
Return _Name
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_Name = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property FirstName() As String
Return _FirstName
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_FirstName = value
End Set
End Property```
And now some code to prove how it works.
Sub Main()
Dim mongo As New Mongo
Dim db = mongo.GetDatabase("person")
Dim persons = db.GetCollection("persons")
Console.WriteLine("You have " & persons.Count & " persons in your database")
Dim person As New Person
person.Name = "name1"
person.FirstName = "firstname1"
Dim person2 As New Person
person2.Name = "name2"
person2.FirstName = "firstname2"
Console.WriteLine("You have " & persons.Count & " persons in your database")
For Each personfound In persons.FindAll.Documents
Console.WriteLine("Found person: " & personfound("_id").ToString & " " & personfound("Name") & " " & personfound("FirstName"))
For Each personfound In persons.FindAll.Documents
Dim person1 = personfound.ToClass(Of Person)()
Console.WriteLine("Found person: " & person1.Name & " " & person1.FirstName)
persons.Delete(New Document)
Console.WriteLine("You have " & persons.Count & " persons in your database")
End Sub```
So now instead of this.
Dim person As New Document
person("name") = "name1"
person("firstname") = "firstname2"
I can do this
Dim person As New Person
person.Name = "name1"
person.FirstName = "firstname1"
a lot less magic strings.
And instead of this
For Each personfound In persons.FindAll.Documents
Console.WriteLine("Found person: " & personfound("_id").ToString & " " & personfound("Name") & " " & personfound("FirstName"))
We now do this.
For Each personfound In persons.FindAll.Documents
Dim person1 = personfound.ToClass(Of Person)()
Console.WriteLine("Found person: " & person1.Name & " " & person1.FirstName)
Azamsharp also made a nice [screencast][4] to demonstrate MongoDB.
[1]: /index.php/DesktopDev/MSTech/time-to-try-mongodb