I guess this NoSQL thing is getting to me. So I had to try it and see if I can use it with my favorite language.
I first did a little research on the net and found [this post][1].
I went on from there.
First I [downloaded][2] [MongoDB][3].
Then you unzip it and go to the bin folder and run mongod.exe. By carefull with firewall issues.
Now we create a folder named c:datadb
then I downloaded [a driver for .net][4].
I then referenced the three dll’s. Just to be sure ;-).
So far no problems. Now lets create a console application and see how easy it is to set up.
Imports MongoDB.Driver
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim mongo As New Mongo
Dim db = mongo.GetDatabase("person")
Dim persons = db.GetCollection("persons")
Console.WriteLine("You have " & persons.Count & " persons in your database")
End Sub
End Module
If you run this you should get
You have 0 persons in your database
Now lets add a person to our database.
Dim person As New Document
person("name") = "name1"
person("firstname") = "firstname2"
Console.WriteLine("You have " & persons.Count & " persons in your database")
The above code should now give you the following result.
You have 0 persons in your database
You have 1 persons in your database
But the second time you run it you get this.
You have 1 persons in your database
You have 2 persons in your database
And the third
You have 2 persons in your database
You have 3 persons in your database
And so on…
So time to delete some stuff.
persons.Delete(New Document)
Console.WriteLine("You have " & persons.Count & " persons in your database")```
see the delete with the New Document parameter? That deletes all documents from the database.
So the result will now be.
> You have 3 persons in your database
> You have 4 persons in your database
> You have 0 persons in your database
Now lets look for a certain record.
Dim mongo As New Mongo
Dim db = mongo.GetDatabase("person")
Dim persons = db.GetCollection("persons")
Console.WriteLine("You have " & persons.Count & " persons in your database")
Dim person As New Document
person("name") = "name1"
person("firstname") = "firstname1"
Dim person2 As New Document
person2("name") = "name2"
person2("firstname") = "firstname2"
Console.WriteLine("You have " & persons.Count & " persons in your database")
Dim persontofind = New Document
persontofind("name") = "name1"
Dim personfound = persons.FindOne(persontofind)
Console.WriteLine("Found person: " & personfound("name") & " " & personfound("firstname"))
persons.Delete(New Document)
Console.WriteLine("You have " & persons.Count & " persons in your database")
Now the result of the above will be.
> You have 0 persons in your database
> You have 1 persons in your database
> Found person: name1 firstname1
> You have 0 persons in your database
All very simple untill now. Only took me a couple of minutes to figure out.
More on this later.
[1]: http://odetocode.com/Blogs/scott/archive/2009/10/13/experimenting-with-mongodb-from-c.aspx
[2]: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Downloads
[3]: http://www.mongodb.org/
[4]: http://github.com/samus/mongodb-csharp/downloads