
So this week I wanted to setup a webservice that also included authentication. As one usually does this time of the year, Santa needs his data to be protected so that the children can’t see which gifts they will receive.

I decided to help Santa by using ServiceStack and Easyhttp. And I described the servicestack in [the first part of this post][1].


First of all we need an httpclient.

Private http As HttpClient

    Private Sub InitializeClient()
        If http Is Nothing Then
            http = New HttpClient()
            http.Request.Accept = HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson
        End If
    End Sub```
Then we need a way to read our data. I wrote a DoGet method for this.

Private Function DoGet(ByVal url As String, ByVal parameters As Object) As Object
        Dim response As HttpResponse = Nothing
        If parameters IsNot Nothing Then
            response = http.Get(url, parameters)
            response = http.Get(url)
        End If
        If response.StatusCode = Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized Then
            response = Nothing
        End If
        If response IsNot Nothing Then
            Return response.DynamicBody
            Return Nothing
        End If
    End Function```
Here I catch the httpStatuscode that tells me I’m unauthorized. So I can tell Santa to log in.

Now I just need a Login method.

Private Sub Authorize()
        Dim response = http.Post("http://localhost:58241/auth", New With {.UserName = "cbaes", .Password = "test1"}, HttpContentTypes.ApplicationJson)
        http.Request.Cookies = response.Cookie
    End Sub```
Easy right. But watch out for the cookiemonster. I had to tell request to get the cookies from the response otherwise this won’t work. But Hadi promised to fix this next week.

One more method is for printing our results.

Private Sub PrintChild(ByVal children As Object)
        If children IsNot Nothing Then
            For Each child In children
                If child.Good = False Then
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green
                End If
        End If
        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White
    End Sub```
Lastly I also want to logout.

Private Sub LogOut()
        Dim response = http.Get("http://localhost:58241/auth/logout")
        http.Request.Cookies = response.Cookie
    End Sub```
I used a get for that, not sure that is the right way to do that, but it works.

And last but not least we put it all together.

Sub Main()
        Dim response As HttpResponse
        PrintChild(DoGet("http://localhost:58241/GoodOrBad", Nothing))
        PrintChild(DoGet("http://localhost:58241/GoodOrBad", Nothing))
        PrintChild(DoGet("http://localhost:58241/GoodOrBad", Nothing))
    End Sub```
And here is the result.

<div class="image_block">
  <a href=""><img alt="" src="" width="285" height="251" /></a>

## Conclusion

Doing a get to do a log is a bit illogical but I&#8217;m probably doing it wrong. For the rest it was pretty painless.

And I seem to be a man of little words but lots of code. Oh well, there is worse things in this world.

In post 3 we will learn more about [the use of roles][2].

 [1]: /index.php/DesktopDev/MSTech/servicestack-credentialsauthentication-and-easyhtpp-of
 [2]: /index.php/DesktopDev/MSTech/servicestack-credentialsauthentication-and-easyhtpp-of-2