I made a file template for resharper to make it easier to create a TestClass.

It looks like this.

Imports Nunit.FrameWork

Namespace $NAMESPACE$
    ''' <summary>
     ''' A TestClass
      ''' </summary>
       ''' <remarks></remarks>
     <TestFixture()> _
     Public Class $CLASSNAME$
#Region " Setup and TearDown "
        ''' <summary>
         ''' Sets up the Tests
          ''' </summary>
           ''' <remarks></remarks>
         <Setup()> _
          Public Sub Setup()
            End Sub

        ''' <summary>
         ''' Tears down the test. Is executed after the Test is Completed
          ''' </summary>
           ''' <remarks></remarks>
         <TearDown()> _
          Public Sub TearDown()
        End Sub      
#End Region     

#Region " Tests "
                   ''' <summary>
         ''' A Test
          ''' </summary>
           ''' <remarks></remarks>
             <Test()> _
              Public Sub $Test_Name$()
               End Sub
#End Region

     End Class
End Namespace```
I also made an xmlFile so you can easily import it into Resharper.


 [1]: http://blog.baesonline.com/content/binary/NunitTestFixture.xml