Ok so here is how NHProf has helped me solve a problem. This one in particular is a [Select N+1][1] problem which means is that you are executing the same select several times in one session which usualy means you are doing something wrong.

First up the code.

When doing a find all on a class called Fibergroup I get this as a result from [NHProf][2].

What we see is that there is one select tbl_fibergroup and then then a select on fiberclass and several selects on fibersubclass. As a matter of fact fiberclass is a collection in fibergroup and fibersubclass is a collection in fiberclass.

Now a normal human being would do this in one sql since all the tables are connected and nhibernate should know that. Now what is wrong.

Well by default Nhibernate sets it’s fetching strategie to select which means it will create a select for each object it needs to get.


A quote from the nHibernate documentation.][3]

Select fetching – a second SELECT is used to retrieve the associated entity or collection. Unless you explicitly disable lazy fetching by specifying lazy=”false”, this second select will only be executed when you actually access the association.

This is done for lazyloading which is the default. I don’t use lazy loading. Select will also default to a batchsize of one as it seems.

Setting the batchsize to a higher number will solve the problem and greatly reduce the number of selects.

this was the mapping attribute I used on the Fiberclasses property in the fibergroup class

<Bag(0, Generic:=True, Cascade:="save-update", lazy:=False), _
            Key(1, Column:="FiberGroup_id"), _
            OneToMany(2, ClassType:=GetType(FiberClass))> _
this translate to this XML

<bag name="FiberClasses" lazy="false" cascade="save-update" generic="true">
      <key column="FiberGroup_id" />
      <one-to-many class="TDB2007.Dal.Model.AnalysisManagement.FiberClass, TDB2007.Dal.Model" />
and this is the new one.

<Bag(0, Generic:=True, Cascade:="save-update", lazy:=False, Fetch:=CollectionFetchMode.Select, BatchSize:=10), _
            Key(1, Column:="FiberGroup_id"), _
            OneToMany(2, ClassType:=GetType(FiberClass))> _```
And to this XML

<bag name="FiberClasses" lazy="false" fetch="select" cascade="save-update" batch-size="10" generic="true">
      <key column="FiberGroup_id" />
      <one-to-many class="TDB2007.Dal.Model.AnalysisManagement.FiberClass, TDB2007.Dal.Model" />
After that change, I go down from 30 selects to 7 selects. Quite an improvement I think.

And here is the proof.

<div class="image_block">
  <img src="https://lessthandot.z19.web.core.windows.net/wp-content/uploads/blogs/DesktopDev/NHProf/NHProf3.png" alt="" title="" width="700" height="120" />

BTW I tried to use the fetch strategy &#8220;join&#8221; but that gave me the wrong results. From what I have read join doesn&#8217;t work so well on bag only on set, but I could be wrong.

 [1]: http://nhprof.com/Learn/Alert?name=SelectNPlusOne
 [2]: http://nhprof.com/
 [3]: https://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/nhibernate/1.2/reference/en/html/performance.html