YEEEEEEEEEEEEHA 😀 the spelling checker didn’t like that one), here are some of the new features in VB 10.

And yes, I did sound happy there, because some of these features are really not optional but much needed. Like the multi-line lambda and the sub lambda.

You can find the whole video on [Channel9][1]

Multi-line lambdas will look like this

myfunction.lambdathing(Function(e) e.dosomething
                       End Function)```
Or like this 

myfunction.lambdathing(Sub() dosomething
                       End Sub)```
Now this will also be possible. And I’m very happy about that.

myfunction.lambdathing(Sub() dosomething)```
They will also support auto properties and collection initializers, neither of which I really needed. 

I’m so happy, I think I will stick with VB for a while. Although all the catching up to C# thing is annoying. I just hope it doesn’t become a VS 2011 or later version. Let’s make it a VS 2010 that came out in 2009 version shall we?

And here is some other stuff that should be possible.

Private Sub SomeMethod()
     Dim _counter as Integer = 1
     AddHandler Button1.Click, Sub()
                                      _counter += 1
                                      TextBox1.text = _counter
                                  End Sub```
Private Sub SomeMethodRunningInAnotherThread()
     Me.Dispatcher.Invoke(Normal, Sub()
                                      'Do some other stuff
                                      SomeTextBox.Text = "Test"
                                  End Sub)
 End Sub```
Info found after some random surfing on [StackOverflow][2]
