Whenever my application doesn’t close correctly (meaning it probably crashed) I get sent the log files at next startup via mail. In this mail I have the log files attached. Because the log files are locked at the time of sending I first take a copy of them like this, you can take a copy of a file while it is locked.
For Each _Filename As String In _attachements
_Filename = Environment.CurrentDirectory & "" & _Filename
If System.IO.File.Exists(_Filename) Then
If System.IO.File.Exists(_Filename & ".copy") Then
System.IO.File.Delete(_Filename & ".copy")
End If
System.IO.File.Copy(_Filename, _Filename & ".copy")
Dim _attachment As New System.Net.Mail.Attachment(_Filename & ".copy")
_message.Body &= "<p>Attached file: " & _Filename & "</p>"
_message.Body &= "<p>File not attached: " & _Filename & " because file does not exists.</p>"
End If
Of course this means that the filename in the mail will end in copy (which means it will not open in your favorite program when you double click it) or not be the same as the original or some other reason. This is not really a problem if you know how to change the name back to the original name which you can see in the following piece of code.
For Each _Filename As String In _attachements
_Filename = Environment.CurrentDirectory & "" & _Filename
If System.IO.File.Exists(_Filename) Then
If System.IO.File.Exists(_Filename & ".copy") Then
System.IO.File.Delete(_Filename & ".copy")
End If
System.IO.File.Copy(_Filename, _Filename & ".copy")
Dim _attachment As New System.Net.Mail.Attachment(_Filename & ".copy")
_attachment.Name = _Filename
_message.Body &= "<p>Attached file: " & _Filename & "</p>"
_message.Body &= "<p>File not attached: " & _Filename & " because file does not exists.</p>"
End If
Did you see what changed?
<code class="codespan">_attachment.Name = _Filename</code>
So you can change the filename of the attachment that is set automatically to the name of the file you use as the attachment to something different by changing the Name property of the attachment.
Great, now on to bigger and better things.
Why is this important? I have no idea, I just wanted to share this with you guys. I guess it’s one of those things you are unaware of until you think you are going to need it and then have to look it up and then realize while writing a blogpost it is just stupid. That’s why writing technical blogs is so much fun and it makes you look stupid.