In my previous post I showed you how I used ServiceStack to do the integration tests with Easyhttp.
I also used a different port for each test and thus a different instance of ServiceStack for each of these tests.
Of course The Boss was not happy with this.
So I went for a look on how to do this the better way.
And I found this on Stackoverflow. So thanks to Jason Watts for helping me along.
So the ServiceStackHost.cs file is still the same as before. But I created this class.
```csharp using Machine.Specifications;
namespace EasyHttp.Specs.Helpers { public class DataSpecificationBase : IAssemblyContext { private ServiceStackHost _appHost; private int _port;
void IAssemblyContext.OnAssemblyComplete()
void IAssemblyContext.OnAssemblyStart()
_port = 16000;
var listeningOn = "http://localhost:" + _port + "/";
_appHost = new ServiceStackHost();
}``` And I removed the apphost field and init and teardwon code from the tests. So a test now looks like this.
```csharp [Subject(“HttpClient”)] public class when_making_a_GET_request_with_valid_uri { Establish context = () => { httpClient = new HttpClient(); };
Because of = () =>
httpResponse = httpClient.Get("http://localhost:16000");
It should_return_body_with_rawtext =
() => httpResponse.RawText.ShouldNotBeEmpty();
static HttpClient httpClient;
static HttpResponse httpResponse;
It has no clue about apphost.
And now the Boss is happy.
And you can find all the code on Github.
So now I know a bit more about mspec, servicestack and easyhttp. One is never to old to learn.