When you work with both C# and VB.Net it is always worth knowing the subtle and sometimes not so subtle differences between the two languages. These are known as the WTF moments. And all though they say both languages should be growing more toward each other they just aren’t for the moment. Let’s take the example of automatic properties.
Automatic properties
This is a perfectly valid class in VB.Net.
Public Class Properties
Private _Prop2 As String
Public Property Prop1 As String
Public Property Prop2 As String
Return _prop2
End Get
Set(value As String)
_prop2 = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New()
_Prop1 = "test"
_prop2 = "prop2"
End Sub
End Class```
So I have Prop1 as an automatic property and Prop2 as an old-fashioned one. But in the constructor I can call the backing field of Prop1 fairly easily by just adding an underscore in front of it.
Similar code in C# won’t compile.
public class Properties
private string _prop2;
public String Prop1 { get; set; }
public String Prop2 { get { return _prop2; } set { _prop2 = value; } }
public Properties()
_prop1 = "test";
_prop2 = "prop2";
And as far as I can tell there is no way to get to the backing field like you can in VB.Net. In C# the name of the backingfield is this <code class="codespan"><name>k__BackingField</code>.
## Conclusion
Now why is this important I hear you ask. I should never need to use the backingfield of an autoproperty because there is no extra logic that can make it different from what the property will return. Well, sometimes you need to get that field via reflection and then you will need to know the name. And it’s just cool to know when someone asks you this in an interview ;-).
BTW this is the kind of thing the VB and C# teams should make the same in the two languages if they can.