This question came up again yesterday in our SQL Server forum so I decided to create a short blog post about it.
The version of SQL Server Management Studio that ships with SQL Server2008 comes with IntelliSense enabled, I still think IntelliSense is sometimes more in my way than it is useful but I won’t bore you with that.
What will eventually happen is that if you create new tables and stored procedures IntelliSense will not know about those, when this happens you have to refresh the local IntelliSense cache for it to see the new objects.
There are two ways to do it, if you are a shortcut impaired developer then here is how you do it. Click on Edit–>IntelliSense–>Refresh Local Cache
Or you can just hit the CTRL + SHIFT + R shortcut. Of course Query Analyzer users will remember CTRL + SHIFT + R being the shortcut to uncomment something.
Hopefully this will help someone 🙂
I also created a copy of this on our wiki here: IntelliSense does not see new objects in SQL Server Management Studio
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