T-SQL Tuesday

One day, Adam Machanic (Twitter | Blog) had the most brilliant idea of his life to that point: T-SQL Tuesday. (That may be a slight exaggeration.) This is “a recurring, revolving blog party”, hosted by a guest blogger on the second Tuesday of each month. We’ve had 15 fantastic parties so far. I am lucky enough to host T-SQL Tuesday #016 on March, 8, 2011!

The Topic: Aggregation

No, not aggravation (although I’ve used the two interchangably before). I want to hear how you solved business problems with aggregate functions. I want to see your cool T-SQL tricks. How are aggregates used in SSRS, SSAS, or SSIS? What have you learned about aggregate functions?

Let’s SUM(thoughts), COUNT(ways we’ve done things), and set MAX(awesome) on our posts!

Remember: “any post that is related to both SQL Server and the theme is fair game. So feel free to post about SSIS, SSRS, Java integration, or whatever other technologies you’re working with in conjunction with SQL Server. Even if your post includes no T-SQL we still want to see it.”

The Rules

The first rule of T-SQL Tuesday is: talk about T-SQL Tuesday!

  • Post your blog between 00:00 GMT Tuesday, March 8 and 00:00 GMT Wednesday, March 9. (This is equivalent to 8:00 PM EST Monday, March 7 and 8:00 PM EST Tuesday, March 8.)
  • Come back here and leave a comment or a pingback to your post.
  • In the body of the blog, you must include the T-SQL Tuesday logo, with a link back to this blog. (Sample HTML: <a href:"/index.php/DataMgmt/DBProgramming/come-one-come-all-to"> )

Bonus Points

  • In the post title, include “T-SQL Tuesday #016”.
  • Tweet your blog post with the hash tag #tsql2sday.
  • Consider hosting in the future, and contact Adam if you’re interested.

I’ll be reading through all the blog posts and posting a round-up. I can’t wait to read your thoughts!