Upgrade Assistant for SQL Server 2012 (UAFS) has Released To Web(RTW). Upgrade Assistant for SQL Server 2012 is shipped as a free web-downloadable tool. It performs application compatibility testing and detects potential functional and performance issues that may impact a database upgrade from an earlier version of SQL Server (SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2) to SQL Server 2012. Comparing to the early version of Upgrade Assistant tool, Upgrade Assistant for SQL Server 2012 significantly enhances replay scalability and performance by building on top of SQL Server 2012 Distributed Replay (D-Replay) feature, which is the first released application that demonstrates the value of D-Replay in a practical application. In addition, Upgrade Assistant for SQL Server 2012 provide a user-friendly configuration interface as well as enhanced reporting and analysis features.

Tool Download link: http://www.scalabilityexperts.com/tools/downloads.html

Tool Wiki page: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/sql-server-upgrade-assistant-tool-for-denali.aspx

Also some additional info is available here http://www.scalabilityexperts.com/tools/index.html