The SQL Saturday in Chicago team has been working pretty hard lately on the schedule. It was difficult to complete due to all of the sessions being so good. I was close to trying a two day event so we could get all ~70 submissions up the weekend of April 17th.
You can now see the schedule up on the SQL Saturday site here
Of course we had to pick what the location we are using could handle and I think the team did an excellent job. At last count we only have around 100 open spots left until we reach capacity so move quickly and get your registration in before the seats are taken.
Questions not covered?
We will be holding an, "Ask the experts" session after the regular schedule also. This means basically you bring your questions to all of us and we'll do our best to answer them then and there. If we can't, we'll twitter it and get an answer in a few minutes using #sqlhelp 😉 Jorge already tested that theory at the last SSUG he was attending.
Sponsorship is how we do this
I would also like to take this time to thank each and every sponsor that is helping us with this event. Combined with the speakers, volunteers and sponsorship, this event would not be possible. Remember, this is a completely free event thanks to our most generous sponsors.
You can see the impressive list of sponsors <a href="http://www.sqlsaturday.com/31/sponsors.aspx">here</a>
Each company has been great to work with and I'm looking forward to learning more about some of the products they have introduced me to while discussing SQL with them.<br /> We still have a few sponsors to get up on the site so check back regularly to see who will be active in the event as sponsors.
The event is also being held in a hotel so if you are traveling, getting to your room and the sessions is easier than you may think. Details on the location can be found <a href="http://www.sqlsaturday.com/31/location.aspx">here</a>
I hope to see you all there!