
If you don’t know what a document database is you should go to Google and find out quick smart. I’m not saying document database are the future, but they are a part of it and they will suit some situations better than RDBMSes. I already did some blogposts about MongoDB in the past.

And now I’m going to try out RavenDB by Ayende Rahien and his minions. RavenDB is native .Net.

The start

You can use RavenDB in different form. As a service, as an ASP.Net service, embedded, … . I wanted first to try and run it embedded so I could run my unittests against it. So let’s if I can get it to work.

First I downloaded the binaries, I unzipped them. Then I had to reference Raven.Client.Embedded.dll and the Raven.Client.Lightweight.dll that can be found in the embeddedclient folder.

I made a small class I will use to test.

vbnet Namespace Model Public Class Plant Public Property Id As String Public Property LatinName As String Public Property EnglishNames As ISet(Of String) Public Property FlowerColor As String End Class End Namespace The convention is to have a property Id as string which will be filled by RavenDB much like an identity field in SQL server.

Then I made a little service class.

```vbnet Imports Raven.Client

Namespace Services Public Class PlantService Private _session As IDocumentSession

    Public Sub New(ByVal session As IDocumentSession)
        _session = session
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddPLant(ByVal Plant As Model.Plant)
    End Sub

    Public Function GetPlant(ByVal Id As String) As Model.Plant
        Return _session.Load(Of Model.Plant)("plants/" & Id)
    End Function

    Public Function NumberOfPlants() As Integer
        Return _session.Query(Of Model.Plant)().Count()
    End Function
End Class

End Namespace``` And a few tests to test this.

```vbnet Imports Plants.Model Imports NUnit.Framework Imports Plants.Services

Namespace Tests <TestFixture()> Public Class TestPlantService

    Public Sub CountNumberOfDocuments()
        Dim service = New PlantService(RavenDBSession.GetTestSession)
        service.AddPLant(New Plant With {.LatinName = "Fagus sylvatica"})
        service.AddPLant(New Plant With {.LatinName = "Quercus Robur"})
        Assert.AreEqual(2, service.NumberOfPlants)
    End Sub

    Public Sub CanGetPlant()
        Dim service = New PlantService(RavenDBSession.GetTestSession)
        service.AddPLant(New Plant With {.LatinName = "Fagus sylvatica"})
        Dim plant = service.GetPlant("1")
        Assert.AreEqual("Fagus sylvatica", plant.LatinName)
    End Sub
End Class

End Namespace``` And here is my little helper class that makes sessions.

```vbnet Imports Raven.Client Imports Raven.Client.Client Imports Raven.Client.Document

Namespace Services

Public Class RavenDBSession
    Private Shared _store As DocumentStore

    Public Shared Function GetNewSession() As IDocumentSession
        _store = New DocumentStore With {.Url = "http://localhost:8080"}
        Return _store.OpenSession
    End Function

    Public Shared Function GetTestSession() As IDocumentSession
        _store = New EmbeddableDocumentStore With {.RunInMemory = True}
        Return _store.OpenSession
    End Function
End Class

End Namespace``` First thing to note if you have just created a new project in Visual studio 2010 is that by default they will be .Net framework 4.0 Client profile and the EmbeddableDocumentStore does not work with the client profile so you have to change that in your project. Right click your project and select properties, go to compile and then click the button Advanced compile options. Now change the Target framework to .Net Framework 4.0.

As you can see above my live version will be working over http but more about that later.

The first time I ran these tests I got an error.

TestPlantService.CanGetPlant : FailedSystem.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not load file or assembly ‘MissingBitsFromClientProfile, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=37f41c7f99471593’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

at Raven.Client.Client.HttpJsonRequestFactory..ctor()

at Raven.Client.Document.DocumentStore..ctor() in c:BuildsravenRaven.Client.LightweightDocumentDocumentStore.cs: line 47

at Raven.Client.Client.EmbeddableDocumentStore..ctor() in c:BuildsravenRaven.Client.EmbeddedEmbeddableDocumentStore.cs: line 30

at Plants.Services.RavenDBSession.GetTestSession() in RavenDBSession.vb: line 17

at Plants.Tests.TestPlantService.CanGetPlant() in TestPlantService.vb: line 19

So I added MissingBitsFromClientProfile.dll as a reference, I found it in then Client folder not the Embedded Client folder. And set Specific version to true to make sure it is copied to the output folder. And ran them again not forgetting to rebuild.

And now I get this error.

TestPlantService.CanGetPlant : FailedSystem.InvalidOperationException : Could not find transactional storage type: Raven.Storage.Managed.TransactionalStorage, Raven.Storage.Managed

at Raven.Database.Config.InMemoryRavenConfiguration.CreateTransactionalStorage(Action notifyAboutWork) in c:BuildsravenRaven.DatabaseConfigInMemoryRavenConfiguration.cs: line 272

at Raven.Database.DocumentDatabase..ctor(InMemoryRavenConfiguration configuration) in c:BuildsravenRaven.DatabaseDocumentDatabase.cs: line 111

at Raven.Client.Client.EmbeddableDocumentStore.InitializeInternal() in c:BuildsravenRaven.Client.EmbeddedEmbeddableDocumentStore.cs: line 130

at Raven.Client.Document.DocumentStore.Initialize() in c:BuildsravenRaven.Client.LightweightDocumentDocumentStore.cs: line 400

at Plants.Services.RavenDBSession.GetTestSession() in RavenDBSession.vb: line 18

at Plants.Tests.TestPlantService.CanGetPlant() in TestPlantService.vb: line 19

So I added the also to the project as a reference and set Specific version to true to make sure it is copied to the output folder. And ran them again not forgetting to rebuild.

And now all is well. All tests turn green.


All in all a very nice experience as soon as you know that it won’t run on the Client profile if you want to run it embedded. It’s a pity I can’t get better error messages from VS to tell me that this is the problem. And once I set the two missing dependencies it worked as expected. Hope this helps.