Every now and then, it’s important to sit back and reflect on what you’ve accomplished over time.  Doing so can be an extremely effective motivator and professional development step to pushing yourself to accomplish more.  Over the last few years, I’ve been fortunate to accomplish many really cool things and meet many milestones in my career. My involvement in the SQL Community is always a top accomplishment and I enjoy sharing with others the SQL Server and Professional Development skills I’ve gained.    I’ve been absolutely honored to have worked on three books, written many blogs, and have articles professionally published.  I’ve worked with clients that have exposed me to landscapes I could only have dreamed existed in a mock lab setup.

All of this has led me to another milestone in my career and development- one that I think will be as large as anything I have accomplished so far.  In a few weeks, I’ll be joining BlueMetal Architects.   This move is something I’m truly excited about.  BlueMetal has a foundation of excellence.  That is the best description I have for how the company and business model are formed.  There are several reasons I’m excited about the move to BlueMetal; continuous achievements, the need to expand my own skills, utilizing my current skills, and the devotion of the people that are drawn to BlueMetal.  On BlueMetal’s website, there is an important message and it’s one that made this decision quite easy for me…

From interacting with many of the people that make up BlueMetal, the company truly goes about forming the company by and holding true to the statements above from the website.  This concept of building teams to fulfill client expectations and remain strong in the community is effective, to say the least.  The greatest aspect to my “day job” is that it has always been my hobby.  SQL Server and everything that comes along with it is my hobby and I enjoy it greatly.  With BlueMetal and how we all think I’ll fit into the company, this will continue and allow for nothing short of success in the future.

Here’s to the future!

I’d like nothing more than to chat about BlueMetal with everyone.  If you are attending the PASS Summit 2012 in November, ask me about the company and what we’ll be doing together, and what there is to offer both in careers and client relations.  I think you’ll see right away from the excitement I show about this move, that there is a great deal coming from BlueMetal now and in the future.

Make sure to follow both @BlueMetalInc and @RedMetalInc on twitter for where we’ll be for conferences, speaking and news about what we have going on in today’s evolving technology world.  And, if you are a Chet, don’t wait on giving BlueMetal a call.