This post details my first adventure into developing for the Android platform and the steps taken to get the HelloWorld application to run.

  1. Download the Linux SDK from:
  2. Extract the archive and take note of the directory
  3. Install Eclipse (`apt-get install eclipse`)
  4. Install Eclipse plugin
    1. Help->Install Software
    2. Add repository:
    3. Select Developer Tools
    4. Read and accept licenses
  5. Configure Eclipse
    1. Windows->Preferences->Android
    2. Set SDK Location
    3. Select OK
  6. Setup SDK and Virtual Device
    1. From Eclipse: Window->Android SDK and AVD Manager->Available Packages
    2. Select Android Repository->Install Selected
    3. Select Virtual devices->New: Name the device and select the target API version
  7. Create Android Project in Eclipse
    1. Project name: HelloAndroid
    2. Application name: Hello
    3. Package name: com.example.helloandroid
    4. Create Activity: HelloAndroid
    5. Build Target: Same as the target as selected for Virtual Device
  8. Add the code below to src/com.example.helloandroid/
  9. Create a new Runtime configuration
    1. Run->Run Configurations->Android->New
    2. Project: HelloAndroid
    3. Select Target tab and choose the Virtual Device configured earlier
  10. Run!
  11. After a couple of minutes the emulator should boot and display the HelloWorld application (You may need to unlock the screen first)

package com.example.helloandroid;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {
   /** Called when the activity is first created. */
   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
       TextView tv = new TextView(this);
       tv.setText("Hello, Android");

For more information see the Android development documentation: