
Like I said in a previous post of mine.

From time to time I answer a few questions on Stackoverflow, mostly because you can learn a lot from someone else’s problems and it makes you think.


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Thinking is something you need to practice every day.

This time the problem was simple and it seems like most people revert to a for loop loop to solve it. While using linq is so much shorter easier to read.

The question

The question was how to “Find the first non-repeating character in a string in VB.NET

First of all we need some more test data.

Imports System.Linq

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
    End Sub

    Private Function FirstCharacterToNotRepeat(ByVal input As String) As String
        return String.Empty
    End Function
End Module

And now we need some answers.

The for loop

Here is my solution using a for loop.

vbnet Private Function FirstCharacterToNotRepeat(ByVal input As String) As String If String.IsNullOrEmpty(input) Then Return String.Empty Dim charlist As New Dictionary(Of Char, Int32) For Each c In input If charlist.Keys.Contains(c) Then charlist(c) = charlist(c) + 1 Else charlist.Add(c, 1) End If Next For Each c In charlist If c.Value = 1 Then Return c.Key Next Return String.Empty End Function There are actually 2 for loops in there, one to put every character in the dictionary and count the occurrences and one to get out the first element that has only 1 occurrence.

The linq solution

And here is my linq solution.

vbnet Private Function FirstCharacterToNotRepeat(ByVal input As String) As String If String.IsNullOrEmpty(input) Then Return String.Empty Return (input.GroupBy(Function(x) x).Where(Function(x) x.Count = 1).Select(Function(x) x.First))(0) End Function First I do a group by on all characters. Then I do a where on the count of the result of the group by, where I only want the occurrences with a count of 1. And then I just select the first occurrence with a count of 1.



Knowing and using linq can make your code so much shorter and easier for you to write and read.